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  • Hey Sylvester! Hows it been? :thumbsup :)
    Hi Waterfowl :frow-- nothing much -- just old people :old stuff like going to doctor appts, watching Silkie chicks run around the kitchen cuz they're too big now for the brooder and the fowl (teehee) weather isn't safe enough to turn 'em outside, waiting for good weather to do gardening! Same ole' same ole'!!! :rolleyes: How's 'bout U?
    The ducks just ate one of my flowers, I watched margarito run off with one carrying it while Abigail followed, Those ducks! :he But other than that, Its been good, Rocky keeps crowing and eating the dog food, I have to stop him everytime! :(
    Hi @Sylvester017 !! How are you and the silkies doing these days?😁
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    Reactions: Liz Birdlover
    The Silkies are the sweetest littles -- are you a Silkie person? I love birds in general -- they're all amusing -- vultures, turkeys, crows, parrots, poultry of all types, wild birds, even aerial predators (although NOT in my backyard) teehee!
    Liz Birdlover
    Liz Birdlover
    I don't have Silkies but if I did, I'd most likely end up making her a house hen as I'd be hugging her constantly, lol. I love all birds, too, always have. ❤️
    Oh yes I love silkies and want more but they just arent the right bird for our climate. Glad your girls are doing good @Sylvestor017😁😁
    I have a couple of black females, who I think are girls. Ones name is lucky, and she's older - but no red waddles. The other black one, is more... girly? looking. And shier. "he" is the most aggressive in the group and they all seem to look to him.
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