Reviews by Lemon-Drop

Great worming product
Pros: Works well
Cons: Container is generally pretty big for the average flock
Whenever I suspect worms I’ve used Valbazen, and it always clears them up! It’s administered individually, so it can take time to make sure the whole flock gets a dose. Additionally, they need to have a second round after 10 days.
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Great product
Pros: Easy to use, affordable, easy to find
Cons: Some refuse to drink it
For chicks, they generally have a smaller than one gallon waterer, so you have to pre-mix it.
I’ve used this for chicks and often when it’s extra warm out for the hens, or if one is sick. It works well as far as I can tell.
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Works well
This product works very well for sounds, but be warned.
It stains and is not able to be removed. If applied to the comb, chicken may shake their head and spray the blue solution all over your clothes and skin.
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Helpful time for the first aid kit
A good item to have in the first aid kit. Aids in wound cleaning and easy to use.
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Found it hilarious
I loved this book! While aimed at younger audiences, I found it hilarious, and the letter sending a clever way of writing.
Enjoyed the book
Had some good information, and enjoyed the read
Beautiful and Informative book
Pros: Many pictures
Lots of details
Explains well
Cons: May be hard to understand for some people
I read this book cover to cover and loved it! I learned so much about breeds of poultry. There is tons of variation in these fowl! It had lots of details and the pictures were amazing.
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The book that started it all…
Pros: Pictures
Great beginner guide
Fun stories and tips
Cons: Doesn’t go into deep detail on some subjects.
This book started Starburst and my chicken keeping career. We had seen the book on the shelf, read it, and were instantly hooked.
I enjoy the writing style, design, funny stories, details, and it’s a great guide for those getting started.
Amazing book!
Pros: Great information
Very helpful for chicken keepers and gardeners
Cons: None
I highly enjoyed this book. Lots of great information and tips, plus many pictures.
I absolutely love my little Safaia!
Pros: Beautiful


Kind to others

Sex linked (easy to tell gender at young age)
Cons: Can’t think of any
I’ve had a Sapphire Gem for 8 weeks now. She’s getting so big! She’s super sweet, loves to cuddle, and doesn’t bully the others. She grew fast too. I love her coloring as well... it’s gorgeous!

I would recommend for anyone! Whoever want a friendly breed, eggs, and a pretty type as well! Attached are pictures of Safaia.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
March 6th 2021


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Agreed! NO CONS!
Shabby Chic-Hens
Shabby Chic-Hens
You have a beautiful hen!


Super Admin
Cuckoo Marans
Pros: Dark brown eggs

Not a bully

Very beautiful
Cons: Can go broody (good or bad)

A little skittish

Near bottom of pecking order
I love the cuckoo marans, Kiki. She’s pretty sweet, but a little skittish. Right now she went broody for the first time.
Her eggs are currently my favorite in the basket, though they’re not super dark brown. (Attached picture is of my EE, Australorp, and Marans egg)

Overall, I would recommend. In my experience, can be a little skittish, but I still love Kiki to pieces, even if she doesn’t like to be held.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
March 2020


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Lovely, popular birds.
Pros: Very sweet, curious, and fun

They seem to have their own, amazing personality

Gorgeous color


Good egg layers
Cons: Can have reproductive issues

Sometimes are unfriendly (but not in my experience)
We had a beloved RIR hen. Her name was Ponyo. A few months ago, she unfortunately passed away from reproductive cancer.

We had tried everything we could to save her; originally we thought it was egg bound. We gave her calcium pills, brought her inside, fed her scrambled eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, and electrolyte water. We even ended up tube feeding her. Unfortunately she didn’t make it.

Sadness aside, she was always fun and quirky. She would jump onto our lap, beg for treats, and just was an overall great bird. She didn’t bully the others, but she could have just been more unique. Again, she also laid a whole lot of eggs (sadly this is probably what led to her issue)

I would recommend them for anyone, but as some can not be as nice (what I’ve heard from others) if you want them as pets, the Rhode Island Red might be to aggressive.

attached are pictures of her during her illness. (She sat on my lap and watched a video.)
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
February 2019


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Good waterer, can get nicked over
Pros: Never broken

Good for chicks

Fairly easy to clean and refill.
Cons: Doesn’t hold a lot of water

Can easily fill up with shaving

Gets nocked over, with chicks 3 plus weeks.
I like these fine. They work amazing for younger chicks (especially less than 2 weeks)

Once my seven chicks reached an older age, they started nocking it over, and drinking so much water I had to refill it 2+ times a day. I don’t mind doing that though.

One problem is shavings. If you leave it directly on top of the bedding, you will be cleaning it our 24/7. So I place it on a brick. I still clean it out a few times a day, but helps keep shavings at bay. One other problem is it can get nocked over, especially by older chicks, so I usually transition to a larger waterer when they start nocking it over. Hope this helps!

Otherwise, I think it works, and it worth it.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
2019, 2021
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Interesting chickens.
Pros: Many different varieties (as they’re not a breed)

Quirky, I love the pattern and color variations

Lay blue, green, and sometimes pink, eggs
Cons: Not very nice to other hens (my experience)

Often mistaken as Ameraucana’s
I love all the variations of this “breed”

EE are mixes, which are bred specifically for mating colored eggs.

I love my EE Yuki, and though I’m not angry at her (who could ever be angry at chicken?) I do get very frustrated that she was sold as an Ameraucana. It also annoys me that hatchery’s sell them as “Americana’s” or some other atrocious spelling.

Ok, enough about that. Yuki is the head of the flock, so she’s not the nicest to the others, but that’s ok. Yuki lays green eggs.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
February 2019


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Super Admin
Nice, classic chicken
Pros: Gorgeous, dark brown, Speckled eggs.

Friendly temperament

Gorgeous bird in general
Cons: Rooster can be loud
I’ve had 2 Welsummers. One was named Seoirse, who unfortunately passed away in a coyote attack last summer. She was very sweet and laid the most gorgeous eggs.

This year I bought another Welsummer. Her name is Luna, and she’s the most friendly of them all. So far she’s 9 weeks old. I just absolutely love them! (Pictures are of Luna)

Recommended for all ages, ranges of experience chicken keepers!
Purchase Price
Each time, 3 dollars
Purchase Date
February, 2019. (Seoirse) March 6th, 2021. (Luna)


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The Kid Farmer
The Kid Farmer
We got a welsummer, but she died at 3 weeks old from Marek's disease. She looked like an adorable little chipmunk though!


Super Admin
Amazing birds.
Pros: Usually consistent layers



Cons: Rarely go broody (good or bad)
I love my Black Australorp, Jasmine. She’s so sweet, friendly, and gorgeous!

She is now a good layer. I’m not sure if they are usually late bloomers, but Jasmine didn’t start laying for a year.

For a while, she was top of the pecking order, and would sometimes peck our toes. Not very nice, but ok.

Then, one day, she was attacked. She and her flock mates had been free ranging in the yard. Usually dogs don’t roam free in the neighborhood, (many people keep chickens) but the neighbors dog escaped. The dog ran down the street, and bit Jasmine hard.

I thought Jasmine was a goner. She was barely alive. She couldn’t walk, and had huge teeth marks on her back. We took her to an avian vet, who said she had bad nerve damage, and there was only the slightest chance she would ever be able to join the flock again. It was either months of medicine, thousands of dollars, and Jasmine living in the house, or she would have to be out down.

The medicine was what was chosen. Although it was expensive, we wanted to give her the chance of survival. She stayed in the house for months. (And let me tell you, a chicken loving in the spare bedroom is stinky!) but after those long months, she slowly learned to walk on one foot, and use her wings to move farther. And guess what? She’s all the way back to normal! And much sweeter to. A few months after that, she lauded her first egg. (Oops, Sorry about this ramble!)

Anyway, I love Australorps, and recommend them to anyone.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
February 2019


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I love a victory story! Glad Jasmine is back! They are precious and deserving of our care. And we reap the rewards in many ways.


Amazing birds!
Pros: Sweet


Good layers
Cons: Some people think they don’t look nice (the speckled variety, which I don’t see how... but...)

My girl hasn’t reached laying age, but I’ve heard they may smaller eggs.
My speckled Sussex, Vanelope, is so sweet and beautiful. I’d recommend them for any chicken keepers! Mine was pretty small compared to the others when she was a chick, but had grown well. Compared to sapphire gem of same age.

Also, look at the speckled coming in!
Purchase Price
I think it was 5.00
Purchase Date
2021, March 6th
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Sweet birds
Pros: Kind, sweet, and curious

Lays well

Easy to tell gender at young age.

Cold hardy

Ok winter layers
Cons: My first one was not so smart... but I have my theories why

I have heard they can bully others, but mines the opposite. Is bullied by others

Can be skittish.
I’ve enjoyed having my two barred rocks a lot. The first one I got with my original flock. I feel a bit sorry for her. A few days after we got her (as a chick) she fell into the toilet. (The brooder was in the bathroom, and we were examining the chicks. So she fell into the toilet, and then into the trash can. I think we must have accidentally given her a concussion. Poor thing. We had her for 1 year, before a hawk, ferret, it some predator ripped her up. Don’t worry, we buried her in the forest, where she deserved to lay eternally. Rest In Peace Tilly. :hmm The next one is still alive (thankfully!) this one is 8 weeks old currently. She is a little skittish, but overall a great bird so far. Her name is Cornflower.
Purchase Price
First was 3.00, I think the same was with the second.
Purchase Date
Tilly was in 2019, cornflower was in 2021
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Super Admin
Good birds... a bit overrated.
Pros: Usually sweet.

English Orpingtons are fluffy.

Fairly consistent layers.

Nice and “classic” looking.
Cons: Way overrated.

Hatchery Orpingtons, especially of the Buff variety, are low quality but highly rated. They lose all of their fluffiness, and are overall just plain overrated. That’s my opinion though.

Not always nice, and occasionally may bully other chickens.
Most of this is based off of my experience with Orpingtons. And all I have is one Buff Orpington. She’s fairly ok, but not as amazing as my other birds. Worth getting if you want the classic, yellow, chicken (buff)

All negativity aside, I really want a lavender Orpington some time. Here’s a few pictures of Emily, the BO
Purchase Price
3.00, I think.
Purchase Date
February 2019


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Barbara Cheetham
Barbara Cheetham
My Buffy is so smart she is learning to do tricks. I created a chicken agility course for her and she is just as responsive as a dog.


Super Admin
Soft, sweet birds.
Pros: Temperament: super sweet

Lays lots of eggs. Many people say silkies don’t lay a lot, but my single silkie hen laues an egg almost every day... through winter as well.

They’re cute and funny, especially watching their fluffy butts run through the yard.

Come in a great variety of colors.

Won’t bully other chickens.

Great mother’s.
Cons: Goes broody often. If you don’t want a hen to raise eggs, these might not be your gals.

Takes awhile to mature, so hard to guess gender.

If you live in a muddy climate, you will want to bathe your silkie, especially the feet.

Vulnerable to predators.
I absolutely love this breed! I originally had 2 silkies, but unfortunately Boba did not survive a predator attack. I still have a white silkie named Mochi though, and she’s so sweet! She doesn’t actually go broody to often, but she’s been broody for 2 months now.
I recommend these for people who don’t care too much about eggs, and are beginners or children.
The attached pictures are of Mochi.
Purchase Price
3.00 dollars
Purchase Date
Sometime in 2020, early spring.


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@Silkies4Days, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor girl :hugs That must've been very hard. :hugs
@Lemon-Drop I do miss her, but it was partially my fault. The one night I forget to close the coop door :'(
@Silkies4Days, I'm sorry to hear about that, but don't blame yourself! It happens!
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