
Indian Runner

Indian Runners originated in the East Indies on the islands of Java, Malaya, Bali and Lombok. ...
the funniest kooky ducks I have
Pros: funny funny funny! the most excellent foragers. the silliest goofiest ducks God ever made. the more you handle them as 'lings, the friendlier they will ever be.
Cons: more fragile than bigger ducks, seems they get injured easier.
I have several runners mixed in with other duck breeds and everyone who visits loves the runners the most. they are fast runners! they are brave explorers! the best foragers. they dont give up. They have enormous personalities. sometimes because they run around so much and get into everything they can get injured. I have one who is blind in one eye, i think she ran into a branch. another I had broke her leg when her face got caught under a fence post she was digging under.
My Favorite Duck Breed!
Pros: Funny, friendly, engaging, goofy, good foragers, good layers, not big eaters
Cons: They need to be raised from birth and handled daily, including picking them up, to obtain maximum affability.
Better when raised in a flock of 10-12 or more
We've had Penciled Indian Runners for almost a year, then got ducks to show, (Pekins, White Runners, Call Ducks, East Indies, Cayugas and Australian Spotted). It may not be fair to compare ducks raised by others to ones raised by me, but the Runners are the most friendly. They make me laugh and smile, and are the perfect cure for any bad day!
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Purchase Date
Jan 2021
Great foragers and layers, but a bit too nervous and scared.
Pros: Great laying, excellent foraging and easier to raise.
Cons: Predators, nervousness and meat purposes.
I’ve raised runners for a few years now and have had fairly good luck with this breed. The are little nervous nellies, but it can still be easy enough to move them around since they herd together, like sheep. I have had a few go broody and hatch out ducklings every now and then, although its only about one in every 8 that will successfully do it. Excellent garden pest control, but again just a little to skittish. As seen in the pic, I actually had one hatch a ”Chuck”. Ha
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$6-$8 dollars for ducklings
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That’s awesome! Beautiful duck and cute baby too!
Albert the Saxony
Albert the Saxony
Thanks CaliFarms! What birds do you keep? Right now I have Runners and I’m about to be shipped Saxony and Khaki ducks from Metzer Farms. In the future, I would absolutely love to have wood duck like the duck on your avatar.
A good, easy to raise duck
Pros: Relatively quiet, easy to herd, low maintenance, hardy, good rangers, conversation starters, inexpensive to raise, strong flock instincts, well-behaved, strong homing instincts
Cons: Predator prone, messy, flighty, not really very interesting
On my farm we raise exhibition black Runners, and I have no complaints about these. Like all ducklings, Runner ducklings make a mess of the water and as adults they don’t keep their pen too clean either, but so goes for all ducks. They lay eggs, though not as much as advertised, and with fairly low fertility.
On the range, Runners are beautiful to see and low maintenance to raise. They are a target for foxes more so than chickens but I think all ducks must be. They spend a lot of time outside, rain or shine, and though they don’t like snow, they tolerate the cold. They are very easy to herd inside at night and go in by themselves sometimes, having strong flocking instincts and a strong sense of home. They do quack sometimes, but are quiet compared to Calls. All in all, Runners are very easy to raise, just not very interesting. The most interesting thing they have ever done was tell me they were out of food or just quack at me. I think ducks just aren’t my thing.
:eek:whaaaa? not interesting? mine are hilariously interesting
The flock keeps growing
Pros: Fun Crazy Demanding Persistent Beautiful Nutty Family Smart and heck who needs a Rooster to know when the sun comes up or the moon is full
Cons: Fun Crazy Demanding Persistent Beautiful Nutty Family Smart and heck who needs a Rooster to know when the sun comes up or the moon is full. This is my babys doing there rain dance.
Had 2 pets in my back yard sold my house bought property moved and now have 30+ Guess Im hooked
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Pros: Great egg layers, and very friendly.
Cons: None (In my opinion)!
They are the friendliest ducks I ever had, they make amazing pets, great egg layers, and I would recommend this breed to a beginner.
Pros: Funny, Good Layers, relatively disease resistant, great with kids.
Cons: Can sometimes be skittish
I'll always keep Runner's, definitely a breed I will recommend to anyone looking for just a few backyard ducks that don't want to have to deal with any problems later on in their life.
Pros: 1. My runner is so sweet and loves people & human company
2. Generally, they are a very social breed of ducks
3. Least DIRTY (not messy, definitely messy) of my ducklings
Cons: 1. I would say they are pretty loud, but their other qualities more than make up for it
2. Warning, can be messy! But, aren't all ducklings?
I absolutely love my runner duck! He is the sweetest duckling I have had so far, therefore I have really enjoyed this breed. He is growing to be a beautiful duck and definitely gets the least dirty of the ducklings (this is because he stands up tall, like runners do, which causes him not to have a muddy chest). He let's you pick him up and is a very social breed of duck. If you are looking to buy a duckling/duck, I highly suggest these sweet peas! They totally have earned my 5 star rating!
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Pros: It's from the island where I was born, but...
Cons: But why the Brits called 'em Indian Runner not Javanica Duck?
The Brits back in 1800 should have called 'em the Javanica Duck.
Pros: Great Personalities, Smaller in Size
Cons: Can be Messy (like any duck)
We were given two Runners as ducklings by mistake (were told they were Pekins and they were all yellow, like Pekins), but couldn't have been more thrilled with them as they got older. Their personalities were amazing - like puppies with feathers! They'd initially run from being picked up, then stop and let you (like it was a game) and get quite affectionate (for ducks) while we held them. And the actual running... pure entertainment! Would love to always have Runners in my life.
Pros: cute personalities
excellent layers
Cons: do not like to be picked up
nervous nellies
I have 3 and I love how comical and animated they are about everything
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Pros: Easy to take care of, fun to watch, good layers, good with people, can't fly
Cons: Like any duck, makes a mess if you let them. Females can get a bit noisy
Pros: Agile, good foragers, curious, funny
Cons: Nervous, afraid of new things
I have Fawn and white Indian Runners since four months now and i do enjoy their company. My ducks have distinct personalities, one is curious, another one has the loudest QUACK i have ever heart, one female cares about my limping drake, you get it: They are all different!
It is pure fun to sit on the porch and watch them catch insects in the grass during the warm months (no more ticks, since the Duckies are here) and it is so enjoyable when they come to visit me on my work-platform, asking for some treats, usually they send one of them ahead…
20181022_165304.jpg Then they all join and eat corn out of my hands.
No eggs so far, but i am sure that will change when the days become longer again.
EDIT (12/2018): Six months in now and one of my ducks has started to lay one greenish egg a day.
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Pros: Very willing to understand what you want, very affectionate.
Cons: Very loud! Everything’s always exciting-not a deal breaker though :)
8EE8A18D-BF46-41E4-A5C3-C1B0EF62DFD6.jpeg I have seen many people say they had 1 runner that was people aggressive. Runners are only people aggressive when they are raised to be people aggressive. Ive hand raised my runner since day 1 and she loves me more than anything in this world. We cuddle everyday and it’s her absolute favorite. She will walk up to me when she wants to get some cuddles so she can go to sleep. These ducks are awesome because you can raise these ducks to behave and act however you want them to! Train them to enjoy people and that’s all they’ll do for the rest of their lives!! Awesome and funny duck to watch and very loving. My runner lives inside though so I can tell you first hand, everything will excite them and excitement always means they're getting LOUD!
Purchase Date
August 2018
What color is that duckling??
Gil as a baby was more of a Carmel/rusty brown with two yellow patches. The two yellow patches have ended up as pure white.
I hatched a duckling kinda like that!
Pros: Fun to watch, good bug patrol and lay great eggs
Cons: predators, more than 1 male was a problem
I love to sit in my duck run and just watch them being their little selves. My 4 girls have a small kiddie pool that they love and their foraging ability is awesome. They can grab a bug right out of the air!

They are laying great big eggs on a regular basis which, if you are baking, you might want to weigh before using in a recipe because a chicken egg is NOT the same as a duck egg.
Pros: Large jumbo eggs taste just like chicken eggs. Runners lay eggs all year round. Excellent foragers and friendly personality.
Cons: Easily excitable
0C819DBC-3F02-43CE-9A9A-B207552ECF05.jpeg I love my runner ducks. They come in a variety of colors and walk upright like a penguin. They look like bowling pins in my yard and forage for bugs all day long. They enjoy playing in a kiddie pool and are incredibly friendly and talkative. They are hardy birds and continuously produce delicious jumbo eggs all year long. Their eggs taste identical to chicken eggs (no gamey duck taste). Their eggs are either green or white in color. They are very impressive ducks. Even if they are hand raised, they can become easily startled and normally do not like being handled.
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The runners have a personality like no other! Love them.
Pros: They are so funny to watch.
Really large eggs
Cons: None as of yet
We got 2 males and 2 females the females are Pekin-Indian Runners. We live on 20 ac. farm with cattle and pigs. They are free range all the time. We have had them since Sept. of 2017. They were so happy when we first got them that they just foraged all day on the pasture and pond. Never would eat or come around for food. Now they are wanting to be fed every day. They come up when we feed the cattle and then follow us back to the pond to be fed.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Sept 2017


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Pros: So sweet and lots of personality
Cons: Messy!
I only have one female so it's hard to tell if they'd all be as cool as she is that's why I gave 4☆'S. I hear they are great ducks though. I have the one female Indian Runner and a male Mallard, and she isn't as timid as my mallard is, which I like. The both of them are inseparable. They get along so well and never leave each others side.

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Pros: -They don't mind being handled
-They are super nice
-My Drake is very quiet
-The chicks are kinder then the Pekin chicks (That is my opinoin)
Cons: after about 5 months with him, I still have no cons
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