
  1. D

    Baby chick has a black tongue tip

    Hi everyone. Just got this sweet baby on Sunday and this afternoon her tongue was sticking out of the side of her beak and is black. No other chick is showing signs on this. She is still pecking at her food.
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    Mottled Cochin baby?

    I just hatched this bantam cochin baby this morning. my question is, is she black or mottled? I know typically mottleds have a lot more white, but she has a lot more white than the other solid black babies I hatched. She has white tipped wings and a little white on her legs. As well as really...
  3. I

    My 7 month old Cockerel Cuckoo Maran Comb Black

    His comb has a strange black thing on some of the tips, I’m not sure what it is. It is very cold outside, but he is a cold hardy breed, so I am not sure.
  4. Cloverr39

    When do white feathers in young black birds typically disappear? Mine is 8 months and still has hers

    I've noticed black birds tend to have some white feathers in their wings or anywhere else when they're young. Sometimes my silkies hatch with pink tips on their toes as well, but I don't know if that's related to the white feathers. Either way, they usually grow out of it within a couple of...
  5. bikosblackmeat

    Standard feather Ayam Cemani with leg feathers ⚫🐔

    The parents of this pullet (2-3 months) are both standard feathered Ayam cemanis. However, she developed leg feathers. Does other variants of Ayam cemani (bottle brush, walik, frizzle) have this characteristics? Merry Christmas to all!!!!
  6. C

    Laying Flock of Black Australorps, April 2023 Hatch

    Located in the Tampa Bay Area. 9 Australorp Hens and 1 very active Rooster. All sorted for confirmation, personality and breed standard. Majority are laying as of 3 weeks ago... several more to kick in. They are equal to my Rhode Island Reds in egg quality. Perfect for someone selling hatching...
  7. K

    Choosing a drake for my Runner girls -Genetic question

    Hi, I’ve read the very detailed article on here about duck genetics but I am still confused. I have three Indian Runner females and I am going to be getting them a drake this week. One choice is a buff Runner and the other choice is a black Runner. I am afraid that if I choose the black one...
  8. bikosblackmeat

    Producing my own crosses

    A lot of people were hating on other breeders that cross their chickens with other breed. Here is my opinion: As long as you are treating your chickens right (by providing their basic necessities) and breeding to create chickens with distinct characteristics like for more meat, eggs, color...
  9. R


    Up for consideration: BREEDING PAIR (fully-grown/hen and rooster) of AYAM CEMANI chickens aka the rarest and most sought-after chicken in the world.! Originating in Indonesia, these show stoppers have most everything black; feathers, skin, comb to wattles, flesh, organs, and even black bones and...
  10. AJ916

    Black Splash??

    Okay so I looked to try to find an answer but I can’t! I understand some of the genetics of blue-splash-black but I’m still a bit lost. I purchased three silkies from a blue splash Silkie breeding trio. I saw the trio myself and they were in fact beautiful splash silkies. All three chicks I...
  11. lupin27

    11 week old easter egger guess gender

    Hi there BYC community, 3 weeks ago I bought 2 chickens from a private seller who said they were 8 weeks old and pullets. She advised they could be a mix of Barred Rock, Leghorn, Easter Egger and Ameracauna. Pullet 1 is named Sage and pullet 2 is Violet. A week ago, Sage weighed 135 grams...
  12. T

    Why is there black coloring on my Buff Orpingtons feather?!

    My Buff Orpingtons are beginning to have black penciling on their feathers. Why is this? They are 14 weeks old.
  13. Black Gold Hen, I named her Blackie.

    Black Gold Hen, I named her Blackie.

    Gentle hen with good disposition, able to be held quietly by grandkids. Laid nice tan roundish eggs. Mistress of the Henhouse!
  14. K

    What breeds?!

    please exscuse the mess, having 5 dogs isnt very glamorous and its cleaning day😝 id like to think that the yellows are silkies (i have 3, all look the same) i think the one with brown face/feathers is a BSL(?) but unsure of the black ones with white chests! i have two of the solid black with...
  15. PBAndAlice

    Black and reddish brown probably-rooster? (breed and gender IDing needed)

    Quick backstory. We got 2 new chicks last week and unfortunately we lost one, when my family went back to buy another (while I was in class) the farmer apparently "threw in an extra one for free". Already knew it'd likely be a rooster when I heard that, but I also have no idea what the breed is...
  16. E

    Dun, Khaki, Platinum?

    my brain is fried, trying to understand these genetics. is this correct? can anyone share photos? I'm breeding specifically with silkies and satins, but any pics help. dun x dun = 1/4 khaki, 1/4 black, 1/2 dun dun x blue = 100% platinum
  17. E

    White Silkie Genetics?

    I know most silkies are recessive white. however, say I have a black pen and a white pen - can I switch the roosters to see what colors are behind each white, or would there be a better color than black to use?
  18. E

    Ameraucana color possibilities??

    so I'm getting a flock from someone local. roosters: silver and wheaten hens: silver, black, and blue wheaten what colors could I possibly get if I put the silver roo in with the hens vs if I used the wheaten?
  19. H

    Breeding Red, Blue, and Black New Zealand Rabbits?

    Hello! I’m getting a trio of new Zealands but can’t decide on color combos. The breeder has Red, Black, and Blue NZs. What should I get??? One of each? What color buck should I pick? (I don’t want to have siblings breed so my doe and buck need to be from different litters) I know nothing about...
  20. Cloverr39

    Whats the difference between back from paint breeding and black from black+black breeding?

    Okay, so I've seen a lot of people saying that they are using for example: a black rooster from paint breeding. Does it make a difference though? Because as far as I know the dominant white from paint can't be recessive, so why does it matter if the black chicken's parents were black or paint...
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