
  1. ali12gap

    Rabbit Banding Castration

    Hi Friends! Newbie farmer here. I have an english lop that got nipped in the testicle by my other buck. They have lived in harmony in a colony for well over a year and am not sure what caused the attack. The testicle became infected and very large. Since the infection was localized I assumed I...
  2. Thechickentrainer1999

    Where to get a cockerel castrated?

    With no redirections or questions as to why, where can I go to get my cockerel castrated? I've read that people have been doing it for years at home but would like someone who knows what they're doing to do it for me whos certified. Any places or specific vets who will do it?
  3. M

    Aggressive rooster injuring humans

    Desperate family here looking for advice. Our rooster (1 year 2 months) is a modern day velociraptor. He's given my dad a several inch long scar on his leg and I just got a puncture wound to my knee that is deep enough to make it difficult to move my knee. The hens all are missing patches of...
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