
  1. T

    One problem solved, another arises -- please help

    Hello, chicken family! I have an odd predicament. Please pardon the long-ish story as I try to get to my point/problem. (The story is necessary.) We have an amazing rooster. He's the kind everyone would love to have. He protects the flock and will let you hold him. He's so well-mannered...
  2. C

    What The Heck Is This Sound My Rooster Is Making?

    Hey everyone, I have one rooster named Steve. Steve is a rumpless rooster who is seven months old and has never grown a tail. Tonight I heard him making this strange, moaning sad sound. I have never heard a chicken make this sound before. Steve has been separated from my hens for a few weeks...
  3. D

    Help! My duck is depressed

    My duck who happens to be 12 years old is currently depressed. He has lost his best friend who he grew up with to a fox unfortunately and I’m truly saddened to what I saw in my back garden last week. Since then, my other duck is depressed. I know this as he has gone and hid himself in some...
  4. Alanna1

    Gave away ducklings 😭

    Yesterday afternoon I made the horrible choice to give away my ducklings. I had two - a runner and a pekin. I took them to the vet and after weeks and weeks of debating I thought it would be best to give them up to her. She told me she would give them to an animal sanctuary. The assistants all...
  5. L

    9 Mo old Buff Orpington loosing feathers

    Hi all. My 9 mo Buff Orpington is loosing feathers. Almost like prematurely molting. My understanding is that would be -18 mo usually. - Lots of pin feathers - I’ve separated her from the rest of the flock - Vent looks normal - Not as energetic as usual kinda staying by herself but does come...
  6. Chickenwithnobrim

    Chicken wont eat

    Hi guys! I have a chicken with no upper beak named Paddy. I need help getting her to eat, as she has recently decided she hates layer pellets, and will only eat scrambled eggs. She is also going through a pretty rough moult that has affected her mood overall, and shes been spending large chunks...
  7. A

    is my chicken depressed or close to dying or sick?

    I had two fayoumi chicken which were best friends. They would not leave each other more than 2 meters apart. Then suddenly, one of the chicken passed away, hiding in the bushes. She had stopped laying eggs for about a week and her comb turned pale.. I buried her in my garden. The other chicken...
  8. R

    Sick Chicken?

    One of our hens is not feeling well. She is a sextlink. She was completely fine and interacting with the rest of our flock and then she wasn't. She's docile and looks like a football. Very puffed up and tail down. Her eyes are clear. No discharge. no runny nose, Very clean bottom/pink vent. A...
  9. 3


    I have 3 hens and one of them gets picked on by the other 2. She keeps mostly to herself. I don’t notice the others picking her feathers or chasing her away from food or water but she is hesitant to take treats until the other 2 have gotten theirs. The biggest issue I notice is that the others...
  10. J

    Depressed Duck/Duck missing wing feathers

    Hi all, This is going to be long. I want to give al the info I can in hopes that someone can help me! I live in Kona, Hawai’i. About 6 months ago a Muscovy duck wondered into my yard.I fed her and she decided to stay. She’s been doing well as long as she’s been here. We built her a pond. She...
  11. WatkinsCluckers


    I think I need to quarantine one of my Silkies due to a head sore that won’t get better. Do chickens get depressed when they have to be separated from the group? And if so, how long is too long?
  12. H

    Depressed duck

    Hi! I have a mallard duck who’s sibling recently went missing. We believe she was taken by a bird of prey. They were very close so he’s obviously upset. He started swimming around the pond, we thought he might’ve been looking for her but he wouldnt stop, not even to eat. Eventually we got him...
  13. ErnieBerley

    Easter Egger Rooster seems depressed....

    Can chickens get depressed? Has anyone experience this? My Easter Egger rooster (born in May 2019) was viril, mating many times a day and walking proud - the flock leader, until a few days ago when I got some new hens. Now, he's moving slow, gets out of the coop later than normal, mopes around...
  14. Trimurtisan

    Need a hug, take a hug.

    Howdy folks of BYC my name is Chris aka Trim. The main purpose of this thread is to create a safe place to let go of the stress of life. I know for myself just having someone to listen is often all I need. If this is something that does not appeal to you, I simply request that you move to a...
  15. That_australian_lad

    lost my favrot hen really deprest

    i lost my best freaind snowflake yesterday i just need some help geting on with life
  16. TheChickenLady1

    Help! Depressed Hen Won't Eat!

    Hello all, I recently lost one of my two hens to impacted crop. I'm getting more hens soon to keep my remaining one company, but for the time being she's alone. I let her out today and went to weigh her food and she hasn't touched it at all. She's not acting lethargic or sick in the slightest...
  17. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Bullying, Egg-Eating, and Depression?

    Poor Darla our EE is having a rough go of it. She's a new layer, can't figure out how to use the boxes, is getting her eggs eaten, and now is the target of bullying. She's also seemed to have gotten depressed, or worse, is under the weather. Original thread is here...
  18. SKKreativ

    Acting Lethargic & Weird Neck Motions

    Hi BackYard Chicken Members, I am in need of help in identifying what is wrong with my 1-year-old black Silkie. I have noticed for the past month her behaviour has changed, first she stopped laying eggs so I thought she went broody, then she started to moult so I associated her behaviour with...
  19. Faux

    Depression or what?

    I am not sure if this is the right category for this question, because it may be considered a more behavioral thing, but... Anyways I have a turken, aka naked neck chicken, I got her at the end of March, or early april, either way she is only a few months old and not laid her first egg yet. I...
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