
  1. D

    Please help! Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  2. H

    Is this feed moldy?

    This a Manna pro duck feed I’ve been giving my duck lately, but it seems kind off.. I don’t know, there are some black spots there after looking closely, so I’m a bit worried. It doesn’t feel weird nor does it smell bad, but was there always black dots on the feed? I don’t know. I have noticed...
  3. D

    Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  4. D

    Is there undigested food in this duck poop?

    I’ve been looking at it for awhile now, but I can’t really tell. I don’t believe there is any, but there seemed to be some earlier, so I want to make sure just in case. Any help is appreciated! -She is one and a half years old -She is a Pekin duck -She’s only been eating Manna pro duck feed...
  5. thoeffel1994

    Today and yesterday I went down to my broody ducks nest and noticed egg shells outside of the nest and broken!?

    I went down to my ducks nest and found broken egg shells two days in a row!? Do you think it was the mother that did this or something else? Has anyone else had this problem ever?
  6. D

    Twin Ducks - 2 ducklings in one egg

    Hi guys, 5th time hatching duck eggs, but first time we’ve ever had two in one egg so a bit unsure how to proceed. Currently on day 20 and a good bit of movement when I candle. I’ll attach some pictures below, but does anyone have any advice on what to do if they make it to day 28? Most of my...
  7. H

    Duck with very hot beak and cold-ish legs?? Please help!

    Her beak has been very hot for the past few days. We believe it’s because it’s summer now, but the AC is always on and though it isn’t cool during the mornings, it’s fine at night. However, her beak is ALMOST ALWAYS hot even during nighttime. She’s panting and her beak is hot, to the point it’s...
  8. Heartsopenwide

    Duck door?

    How high and wide does a duck house door need to be?
  9. RueBuckaroo

    Muscovy Male In Need of Home

    Hello everyone, I’m in desperate need of finding my muscovy male a home. I live in Miami, Florida. I live in a small apartment and do not have the time to take care of my duck anymore. I would walk him outside everyday. But now I am going to college and my schedule is becoming packed. I love him...
  10. A

    Can Big ducks and little ducks share space

    I have three two months old call ducks inside (too hot to transition). Outside I have an older Blue swedish, and three roughly one year olds: a magpie, a Welsh harlequin and a silver Apple Yard. I was only intending on keeping one of the call ducks however I was just informed that she will...
  11. P

    Buff Duck 7 weeks old suddenly having seizures

    One of my Buff Duck hens is suddenly having seizures today. She will be 7 weeks this Tuesday. We started our little chicken/duck farm 7 weeks ago with 13 Barred Rock Chickens, 7 Bantams, and 3 Buff Ducks. Every other bird is fine. This is the only one with health problems today. She's having...
  12. Y

    Advice needed! Do ducks with liver disease from wrong nutritions and malnutrition require medication to get better or are just vitamins good?

    Please help! it’s our first time having ducks, so we’re having some trouble. We fed her a lot of food that wasn't supposed to be eaten long term, but we’re doing our best to fix this mistake. Any advice is appreciated!
  13. Y

    Please help! Is a lump of squishy fat behind her legs and green liquid beside her poop a symptom of water belly??

    Please help! This has been happening for awhile now, but the green liquid issue is becoming more often and I don’t know why. She eats a good duck feed and has chicken or salmon everyday, so there’s unlikely to be anything wrong with her diet.
  14. Fangeddeer

    Is my raw diet for my ducks okay?

    I ran out of all the feed I had, n I don’t know when I can get more. So I’ve been making feed out of stuff at home. Before I use it, I research if it’s safe. I only feed them vegan, ofc. And I change it everyday (yesterday was eggs, carrots and lettuce while today it was lettuce, carrots and...
  15. M

    Do I let Bella nest outside her coop?

    Hi lovely people - I'm torn. My white campbell Bella produces an egg every day. She has made huge nests in her coop but never sat on them (20 eggs). Twice recently a crow got to her eggs and took all of them (we used to leave the big coop door open all day but now close it daily to keep out the...
  16. Launchpad

    Broody duck not laying

    I've found a few threads similar but not on the specific issue. Roz, a 1 year old female Silver Appleyard, has recently become broody. She hangs out with/ nests with 2 cayuga. One male one female. Never had any issues. Both females share a nest for egg laying and have for months. Recently, Roz...
  17. thoeffel1994

    Have any of you ever had khaki Campbell x Muscovy crosses? How common is it? What did they look like?

    How common is it for Muscovies and Mallard-derived breeds to cross? Is it less likely to happen if there is a muscovy drake around? I did not separate my muscovy duck from the khaki Campbell drake, I don't think the drake would have bred her because for whatever reason the Muscovies sort of...
  18. Fangeddeer

    LOOKING FOR egg laying duck

    Hello, in a couple months I wanna get a egg laying duck. Does anyone have any free ones and live near the ca Oakley area? I have 2 ducks already so it won’t be alone! I could possibly take a duckling As long it’s sexed/a female
  19. Gingernutt

    Fussy duck i think

    My eldest muscovy (15 weeks) has stopped eating his grower pellets but will eat everything else like worms, grass, fruit (gave as treats) but wont even touch his pellets anymore even though he use to eat the pallets fine. Unsure if he has become fussy and doesn't like his pellets anymore (fancy...
  20. lacha

    [DUCK] egg stuck ?!

    hi all, i would appreciate any advice i can get. previously, i wasn’t too worried about this situation, but as a couple days have gone by, i’ve done some web searches that alarm me. so, the bird in question is khaki campbell (high laying) between 2-3 years old, closer to 3. she has generally...
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