
  1. L

    Duckling behavior seeming slightly off, advice??

    I've noticed one of my 2 ducklings seems to be slightly wobbly on his/her feet on occasion, along with not running around as much, and peeping quieter. I've watched him//her eat, drink water, preen feathers etc. Just fine. Sleeps with the other duckling as normal. I've noticed it steps on its...
  2. Papaye

    Plese HELP : Unborn duckling - I broke half the eggshell

    Hi. Sorry : I am copying my thread from the Ducks forum, since I think I should actually post it here : "Please help : I just broke half of the eggshell of an unborn duckling. I thought he could not get out of his egg alone, since egg was half broken yesterday, and the hatching stopped since...
  3. Papaye

    HELP : Unborn duckling - I broke half the eggshell

    Hello. Please help : I just broke half of the eggshell of an unborn duckling. I thought he could not get out of his egg alone, since egg was half broken yesterday, and the hatching stopped since then... When I broke the eggshell this morning, duckling did not move. I don't know if he is just...
  4. Panda Ducktress

    Duckling Breeds?

    I got these 5 ducklings from tractor supply. I love them to death, but am wondering what breed they might be and if there's a way to sex them without vent sexing as I do not want to harm them. They are still small only about a week old. I believe the two yellow and black may be Black Swedish...
  5. sady___

    ADVICE/HELP - 9wk old Blue Runner duckling having seizures.

    Hey everybody! Introducing my “light-fixed wing” addition to my flock (they will all be named after aircraft; bonnie (bonanza), cirrus, piper, otter, and cessna, given out once their personalities come out more 🤣). Now, I have one sweet babe who has presented with issues. One day she had a...
  6. P

    Emergency Dying Lethargic Duckling, Need Help

    Hi all— I’ve been referencing this form a lot for my newly hatched ducklings, but I haven’t found a definitive answer on this. I have five, five day old ducklings, and this morning, woke to one not standing like the rest. I immediately tried to make some diy sugar solution and also mashed some...
  7. Duckloveportugal

    Wry neck or other condition in newborn duck.

    Good morning everyone. I started incubating duck eggs for the first time 26 days ago. My first duck was born in day 24 and the second in day 25 im still waiting for more of them to hatch. But the second born duck has apparently some neck problem and cant put his head straight, he also walks...
  8. F

    What’s wrong

  9. A

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch...
  10. K

    New Member - Duck Wing Issue?

    Hello, all! I’m new here but I’ve been a longtime lurker without an account. But finally made an account because I am new to ducks and need some opinions. I have four 8 week old Pekins (pretty sure they’re jumbo 🤦🏼‍♀️) and one of them is struggling to keep her wings tucked in. When she walks...
  11. Papaye

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    Hello. After my first 12 Indian runner ducklings of 2024 - born between May 5th and May 7th... 10 new runners babies are now also born, this time between May 13th and May 14th. Here is a picture of some of them : (These poor, pretty babies are still shy, so I just can't take good enough...
  12. Papaye

    Hatching of my first ducklings of the year - Particularly stressfull, but lessons learned!

    Hello! My 12 first Indian Runner ducklings of this year are born between May 5th and May 7th...! ...Was a stressful experience, because for one : they were late. I had put their eggs on a broody Brahma hen on April 5th, and since last year, the ducklings were born at Day-25 or Day-26, I had...
  13. Sutekimalik

    Breed identification

    I would be grateful for a little help in identifying this cutie. I got her yesterday from a neighbour who is in the egg industry, so I think she's probably a dark campbell, but is it possible she could be a cayuga? I'm not at all fussed, just trying to educate myself on breed identification.
  14. pax12

    My Duck Live Streams are back!!!

    Watch the little ducks live here!! LIVE Duck Sleep Stream (CRAZY SOLAR STORM TONIGHT) 5/11/2024 LIVE Duck Sleep Stream 5/10/2024 Other YouTube Shorts
  15. TigerLily34

    Chick on day 41, help!

    Posted this on chicks but was advised to post it here. Hi all! I run a poultry farm and have hatched hundreds of eggs, and I’ve finally run into a first. I have a duck egg with high priority (laid by a now passed duck of importance to us) who is on day 41 with no pip or any indication of one...
  16. TigerLily34

    Day 41 no pip but alive? Huh??

    Hi all! I run a poultry farm and have hatched hundreds of eggs, and I’ve finally run into a first. I have a duck egg with high priority (laid by a now passed duck of importance to us) who is on day 41 with no pip or any indication of one. We’ve hatched many ducklings and I incubated this one the...
  17. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    Hello all, Our Indian Runner ducks laid eggs and diligently sat on them up until the first one hatched. The mother then accidentally suffocated the first baby so we removed the other eggs and very swiftly put them in the incubator. All 8 had pipped, and after 12 hours everyone but two had...
  18. Kitkat1992

    Duck egg 2 air sacs and/or malpositioned. Need advice asap

    Advice on if I need to assist with this hatch. Newbie so I don't know what I'm doing. Not sure the exact days either. I don't want to lose the little duckling so any help would be great. Thank you. Incubation temp 100° Humidity 50%
  19. J

    Duckling stumbling and clicking

    I have two ducklings that I just got a day ago from tractor supply. One is completely fine, but the other is stumbling and every time he exhales I’m hearing a singular click. It all started today and he was fine about an hour before this all started happening. I checked his legs and feet for any...
  20. Yaras3

    Help! 2 weeks duckling suddenly cant walk and has a red growth out of bottom

    One of my baby ducklings suddenly cant walk on his right foot I noticed yesterday then today I saw a red pimple-like thing coming out of bottom area - eating and drinking fine seems to clean up fine still loud but I am very worried. Also today seems that both legs are weak I am not sure is it...
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