
  1. deer trail duck farms

    ancona genetic question

    Hello friends, i usually breed my rouens and my khaki campbells. this year i was lucky enough to acquire anconas. my two drakes a chocolate. and my females are all black. ive been researching what the possible outcomes could be. as my ideal situation is to sell them at our 4h swaps to...
  2. N

    first pip!

    i have a update last night 3 of the ducklings started pipping noticed before i went to bed they were wiggling alot a few anothers are now wiggling more hopefully the others will pip within the next day or 2 will let you know when they hatch!
  3. DriXx

    Ducklings & Slipping Slides

    Idk who need’s to hear this, BUT YOUR DUCKLINGS NEED A SLIPPING SLIDE 😍 Here’s mine ( 3 1/2 weeks & 1 week)
  4. jroyalimage

    Duck free range schedule

    so I have 6 ducks. 2 pekins, 4 Swedish. They are coming up on 7 weeks old and have been outside for about 2 weeks now and just this past week I took away their heat lamp. Next week I plan to allow them to fully free range near our large pond. But I have a question. They are at the point now...
  5. Lolame777

    I recently purchased these ducks and not sure what breed they are

    Hi, I recently purchased these 5 ducks including 4 young ducks and a 2 year old female duck. I've done some research on what breed and the previous owner said they were Welsh Harlequins. I think that's the case although I feel that the older duck may be a Silver Appleyard and the others being...
  6. MeoWusical

    Two flocks, how many coops?

    Hi everyone! I’m new here and I need to know what I should do for my ducks. I’m going to have two duck flocks soon, and I don’t know if I should have one or two coops. I will have ten ducks by the end of the year: one male for every 4 females. They’ll all be raised together as ducklings so I’m...
  7. M

    Pekin breathing heavily through her nares

    I have two, sweet Perkins that are 6 weeks old. For roughly four days the two (out of six) have been breathing heavily through there nares. They are still active and eating but their breathing is loud… like a stuffy nose. Their nares look clear and I’ve tried warm baths but nothing seems to be...
  8. MisaF

    Call duck with broken toe and puncture wound: Need advice on antibiotics

    Hi all, I have a call duck with what looks like a broken toe and a puncture wound. I have her inside in a clean bed and am spraying the wound with vetrimycin and using triple antibiotic ointment. I want to give her an antibiotic orally as well. Was going to try amoxicilin in her water but it...
  9. L

    Open Coop Days in Minnesota

    Hello, I’ve seen flock stop bys on the old/original forum, and that's how my mother got me my former Seramas. While my mother gets the fun of working with with the birds I work on the website and try to keep record of everyone away from home. I didn't see the original forum question and answer...
  10. B

    Are these male or females? Advice please

    Hi, so confused about these ducks: found abandoned by a road and need advice please. Are they Pekins or Aylesburys? Young or old? And more importantly are they males or females or a mix of both? Their feathers are in bad condition so I don't know if I don't see the curly tails because of their...
  11. FeatherSwift93


    So just do you guys tell the difference of male and female ducks? Let me know below! 🦆🦆🦆
  12. S

    Help! Are these duck eggs fertilized!

    Help! Are my duck eggs fertilized??! I have one drake and the rest are hens I cracked these open because I read in Google you can tell. I still can’t tell. Anyone have advice??
  13. Everose

    Day 7 Egg Yolks Shifting

    My mother started incubating her duck eggs seven days ago. They're being hand turned 3-4 times a day, and she got them straight from a breeder, no shipping or rough handling besides brushing off the clumped mud and crap. Tonight while candling them she noticed multiple egg yolks were moving from...
  14. H

    EMERGENCY!! My drake is trying to lay my hen

    My ducks turn 1 year in may these are the first ducks I’ve had and sadly when buying them 7 out of the 8 were drakes so I had to cull 6 of them. My original plan was to wait for spring to buy more chickens and let the ducks go broody(the coop isn’t finished I need to fill some holes and get some...
  15. Fur and Feather Fancier

    Fur and Feather Fancier

    Fur and Feather Fancier here. I just joined. I have two ducklings as of yesterday. No chickens yet. I raise rabbits. Happy to be here.
  16. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Hi everyone! My almost 3 year old runner duck Hannibal was making a weird sneezing sound today when I let the flock out. They were foraging together and I kept noticing she was making this weird sneezing sound. I picked her up and gave her a check over. She had nothing in her nostrils, nothing...
  17. FeatherSwift93

    Splish splash!

    Ducklings are 3 weeks old and decided to supervise them with a little pan of water, they love it! 🦆🦆💧💧
  18. beardielover3

    Is there any way to "tame" a duck?

    I just had this random question, because most of our ducks are scared of us. Is there any way to really get close to them?
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