
  1. M

    Easter Eggers- hens or Roos? Almost 6 weeks old

    Hi chicken friends. I have 4 chicks total- 2 EEs and 2 Isa Browns. I’m unsure of the sex of the ees. I basically adopted them from someone who did not know how to raise chicks. Those combs are making me nervous. Any input would be appreciated greatly! The last photo, the EE is in the back.
  2. carriek

    When did your EEs start laying

    So I wanna know when your Easter eggers started laying, what do u think they are mixed with, what do u feed them and plz post pics of your cute birds and beautiful eggs
  3. ChickenWhisperer101

    Show off your EEs or Ameraucanas

    Hi everyone. I got my first EE’s 7 weeks ago, and they are beautiful looking. I ordered 4 pullets and 1 cockerel, but I’m suspecting that 2 are cockerels and 3 are pullets. I want to see if anyone has roosters or hens that looked like them, but I also just want to see all the gorgeous roosters...
  4. Buckwheat77

    Me again!! Gender help - Americaunas /EE

    Hoping third time is the charm for these little ones ! Sven and chip are now 13 weeks old and their gender is still a debate ! Chips (1) tail has changed completely over the last week and is no longer full and large. It’s also got some new dark feathers coming in near the back. Svens (2) tail...
  5. CHlCKEN

    The EE Thread!

    Hi everyone! I was letting my girls out a few minutes ago to play in the garden, when I realized how pretty my EEs have gotten now that they r older. Despite the fact that they are at that awkward teenage stage (you know the one, big feet, uneven feathers- stray feathers, weird voice cracks, and...
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