
  1. J

    Hen was beat up by others, now won’t grow feathers back! NAKED CHICKEN!

    Hey! I have a hen that is about 5 months old now. She was in a group of five hens the same age, all hatched together. She was beat up pretty badly by the others, and they plucked out all of the feathers on her back, wings, and neck while I was at work one day. She had a significant injury that...
  2. T

    Chicken with missing neck and bum feathers

    Hey all, I got this lavender Orpington in December 2023, she’s around 1.5-2 years old and laying great. When I got her, they said she moulted and never grew feathers back. I did watch another chicken peck at her neck but I got no peck spray and that stopped. I’ve tried Epsom salt baths, I...
  3. FlockFinderWest

    Question about slipped primaries?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, it’s not really an emergency or illness so I wasn’t sure where else to ask. I have a pullet and cockerel that both have slipped primaries. They’ve been like that since they started getting their adult feathers, they always stick out and don’t go...
  4. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Hen got attacked by a bobcat

    Hello all, my lovely hen recently got attacked by a bobcat but was saved thankfully but this morning she’s not doing too good, she’s sitting with her head down and eyes closed and it seems like she’s doing everything to just every breath, she has a couple big spots where her feathers were...
  5. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Chickens Losing Bum Feathers & Poopy Bums (Eight Months Old)

    Howdy! This is my first post on Backyard Chickens. I am a first time chicken keeper. I've learned a lot from other threads on this site. However, I haven't found an answer to my particular problem. I mail-ordered chicks (from Chickens for Backyards) back in July of 2023: three Buff...
  6. SuperC

    Normal or frizzle?

    So I have a collection of Orpington chicks in the “2 week to a smidge younger” age range, (2 lavenders, 3 Mauves and a blue) and I’ve noticed on some of them the wing weathers seem to… lift/fluff in a non smooth way. This is my first ever flock and while I’m familiar with chickens in general...
  7. J

    Long sheaths on feathers

    I have a chicken named Frank that’s feathers grew in fully sheathed. At around 3 or 4 weeks old I noticed the chicks head slouching. I separated it from the flock and babied it back to health. Eventually it was able to raise its head again but took a very long time to grow feathers. The feathers...
  8. R

    At what age do chicks get their full adult colors?

    I haved a wyandotte, Easter Egger, and a buff orpington. My first two dont have what I would consider distinguishable coloring to their feathers at 1.5 months old. I am curious as to what they will look like as adult hens. When will they get their full coloring and feather patterning?
  9. S

    Old Chicken 7 Years Old Curling Feathers?

    Hi, so I don’t know if anyone has ever seen this before but if so I’m wondering what could be causing it. My oldest hen, Olivia has had some of her feathers curl around her “shoulders” area it first started only a little bit a year ago, but ever since she last molted this fall they are extremely...
  10. E

    Help! Feathers won't grow back...winter is coming!

    I had a feather pecking saga in July between my 6 girls whilst they were left in their small run by my neighbour when we were on Holiday for a week. Came back to very bare hens! I have 6 in total, 1 has fully grown all her feathers back in the space of 2 weeks as she was seperated due to an...
  11. S

    Help sexing / or something? golden lace Wyandotte?

    Hi, my gl is getting some strange feathers in. She’s still young and it’s fall so feathers are strange right now. It’s mainly her tail and wings that are making me question if it’s a gender Mixup or if maybe she’s hurt/molting. Thank you!
  12. thoeffel1994

    Muscovy ducks plucking each other's wings?

    I just noticed an issue with my young Muscovies plucking each other's wings. They'll reach out and grab another birds wing and yank the feathers out in the process. A few were bleeding. 😬. What should I do about this and why are they doing this. I've never had this issue before?
  13. White Valley Acres

    How do I breed smooth-feathered silkies?

    Hello everyone! I'm starting to dream up some future breeds I want to create in the chicken world and one of which I need to produce a smooth feathered silkie. I'm wondering if a smooth feathered silkie is a genetic difference from the silkie feathering (if it just randomly pops out) or if...
  14. A

    What is wrong with my chicken’s feathers?

    Her feathers have been like this since spring. Before that she had perfectly normal feathers. I don’t see any bugs/mites/lice on her skin. She’s laying, eating, and overall acting normally. I’m not seeing anyone picking on her. And the rest of my chickens look as healthy as ever. I’m stumped...
  15. sylvaniaduckmom

    Pekin’s Wing Tips

    Hi all - I have a 2 1/2 year old Pekin duck, Winnie, and her wing tips have almost always had trouble coming in. I’m wondering if there could possible be a reason for this, or if anyone else has experienced this? And if there is a solution? This is a year round situation for her. She’s...
  16. IHeartChickens10

    Sticky Chick

    I have a chick that hatched awhile ago. Seems healthy, happy, and dry, but just the back portion of her seems to have dried into hard clumps. Is she okay?
  17. The Official Huck

    New Feathers

    Hi! My little Muscovy is growing in some new feathers. I noticed this sort of clump of feathers near his tail. I’m new to keeping ducks so I’m not sure if this looks normal or if it’s irritated. Anyone know? And if it’s not normal, what should I do? Thanks ahead for your insight!
  18. S

    Tail feathers are shorter?

    Noticed my chickens tail feathers look like they’ve been chopped off, could it be molting or maybe something else happened to it?
  19. C

    Bullying or something else?

    I have a total of 8 hens. 4 are Silver Laced Wyandottes. 1 of them is the dominant hen. The other 3 have feathers missing from the area where it would usually be missing from a rooster and it's very red. I have seen her mount other hens. No blood that I can see and no sign of pests that I can...
  20. kfsilver

    Ingrown Feather "Bursting" Question

    I have an eight year-old hen who has what appears to be an ingrown feather on her saddle feathers area. She is a stress-plucker, so no doubt that has caused the issue (she *really* doesn't like temperature changes). My question is: how is it best to "burst" the feather? I have small sterile...
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