green poop

  1. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Egg-bound? Sick?

    So my hen is almost 2 years old. She's normally an active runner and a healthy layer. She hasn't been moving much for the past day and a half and there's definitely an egg in there that she hasn't laid. I've tried all the usual things for an egg-bound hen. We've done a warm Epsom salt soak...
  2. M

    Green Poop

    I noticed bright green poop this morning in my chicken run. This is the only one green dropping in the area. I have 4 chickens and a goose currently in this section and everyone is acting normal. What could it be??
  3. Sutekimalik

    Bright green poop from 7y/o pekin duck

    Hello, My 7 year old pekin has been unwell for nearly 6months now. We've had bloods and a CT scan, and he's currently on a long course of antifungal treatment. Three weeks ago we started antibiotics for possible respiratory infection 2 days ago which ended two days ago. Yesterday he started to...
  4. Relleoms

    Unwell hen-poop pics included

    Hi all, thank you in advance for your help. One week ago I brought in a 10 month old hen after finding green poop on the dropping board a number of mornings. She weighs just over 6 pounds and it’s remained relatively unchanged. She drinks excessively but has only been eating raw eggs and very...
  5. C

    Sick Silkie

    Hi, We have a 1 ½ yr old Silkie, 1074g who has gone downhill really quickly in the last day. We noticed 4 days ago she was sleeping more than usual, but otherwise eating as normal and not showing any signs of illness until yesterday evening when she failed to join the others in the coop and...
  6. P

    green poop?

    hello, i have a 7 month old polish rooster who’s been having green poop. he’s acting normal otherwise and even tho the poop is green it’s a normal consistency, just green. he doesn’t eat very many greens as i can’t free range him(too many hawks in the area, and he can barely see with his hair)...
  7. M

    Black comb and green poop

    A chicken friend of mine has a young house rooster who suddenly became lethargic and his comb turned black at the ends. She’s isolated him for now and he’s had some very wet, green poops. Any idea what could be wrong with him? The comb is shiny because it has Vaseline on it. No sign of injury...
  8. ChickenTenderKesha

    Potential coccidiosis? Or is it something else? Help!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Cream Crested Legbar, 14/15 week old pullet, very under weight (judged by prominence of keel bone) 2) What is the behaviour, exactly. Lethargic, puffed up, tail droopy, wings away from body...
  9. C

    Broody or sick? Green poop and more… *pics*

    Thanks for reading. My hen ISA brown Nina is roughly 18 months old and showing some concerning symptoms. I thought she was broody, but now I’m thinking she’s sick… These behaviors made me think she was broody… Sitting on clutch of eggs, 6 days Not leaving nest Giant broody-looking poop Missing...
  10. C

    Found Injured Hen on Side of Road in Ditch, treating wound but now maybe wheezing? Does she need antibiotics?

    Hey all, I found a chicken on the side of the road in a ditch while I was walking my weiner dog. We both thought she was a dead animal but she was still alive. So i ran back to my house and got my car and grabbed her. The first day I gave her a bath and didn’t see anything but a small puncture...
  11. Shimmerpuppy

    Sickie chickie

    Hi everyone, I have a sick hen, her comb and wattle are very light colored, she's listless, I'm not certain she is eating or drinking (I have food and water available.)Her poop is very runny, like egg whites, with a green slimy slug of poo in it. I suspect that she has some worms. I have added...
  12. K

    I thought sour crop, but my girl eats and drinks all day long

    Initially my girl’s crop didn’t deflate overnight and she had stinky breath. I started giving her yogurt then a few days later a small amount of monisat, non toxic kind. The crop is deflating overnight now and no smell. Her diarrhea was a greenish purple after I fed her fermented food for the...
  13. D

    (Advice much needed) Is green poop, bright and sometimes even dark green poop normal when ducks eat foods like salmon, mussels, and shrimps?

    She’s been having green poop all day. At first, we didn’t really worry since she was bright and she ate well. She was her picky but cute self and she seemed to be feeling better. Her poop has always been kind of green-ish because of the foods she ate, so it felt normal, but after a lot of...
  14. petey2

    Sick / Hurt Hen, stomped by dog, what to do?

    Hey all, so one of my hens was “attacked” by one of my dogs last week Thursday. I say “attacked” because it was more like a stomping, with some pulling of feathers. I was present when it happened so I was able to stop the dog almost immediately. She seemed to be fine aside from being shaken up...
  15. F

    3 year old Wyandotte has runny green poop

    Hi there, so one of my hens who is the top of the pecking order hasn’t been feeling her best the last few days. I noticed her bum was getting diarrhea stuck to it and have been closely watching her droppings where she has been sleeping at night and I’ve also seen her poop while I’ve been out...
  16. ScratchScratchPeck

    Green Poop.

    I keep getting Leghorn hens with poop like this, I never find the right answer, and they always end up dying. It's only ever been my Leghorns, don't know why. Maybe one of you have the right answer and a solution for me because I am so lost. I found her hiding under my porch and brought her in...
  17. C

    Green Diarrhea, Not Eating, Liquid from Beak

    HAAALPP, what is going on with my 7 month old buff Violet. Symptoms: -She is pooping green diarrhea, about a week now but thought it was just from eating greens. -a little bit lethargic, sleeping often -not wanting to eat her crumbles (but will pick at hard boiled egg yolk) -still drinking a...
  18. F

    Sleepy & Green!

    Hey all - - I’ve got a 4YO hen who started acting strangely the last day or so: -laying in the run alone instead of free-ranging with sisters -pretty poopy, it seems a bit green as well When I go near her she just gets up and slowly walks a few feet away and lays back down.
  19. Shelbihahn

    Wheezing silkie too with green poop

    Hi there! I have a 1 year old silkie rooster who about 5 days ago went to crow and not a sound came out. I thought it was odd and started hearing him wheeze immediately after. After doing some research I thought it could be gape worm because he didn’t have any other symptoms and everyone else...
  20. R

    newbie to the group, and semi newbie to chicks

    Hey all! So, in 2020 (like half the country, I got chickens. 8 week old pullets. They've been awesome! Lately I've been wanting to expand my flock, and decided I wanted babies. I went to a poultry expo and got (2) 8 week silkies, and (2) 1 week old Ameracaunas. (none of these have been vaxxed)...
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