
  1. Lamia1791

    Guineas and Chickens?

    We have just moved to Oak Hills and discovered our first Rattlesnake. We are looking to get Guineas to let them roam the yard, and at least alert us if there is one around. Also hoping they will eat some of these beetles! I want the guineas to be free to roam in the day, and I've read that if...
  2. E

    Odd Guinea Behavior

    Our guineas are acting strangely. They were free-ranging yesterday and come in at night. This morning They did not want to come out of the coop. Or even go into the Run. They were huddled in the corner. At first we thought it was a hen going broody because she had a few eggs there, but it is all...
  3. B

    Fencing for Guineas

    I have pinioned Guineas(8) that I let free range during the day and then they have a predator proof house they go in at night. They only get to free range when I’m home and can keep an eye on them. I would like to put fencing around our 26 acres so they can free range more often and to keep the...
  4. T

    How Did I Get Here?

    We live in TN. Two years ago, we moved out of a subdivision (yuck) into the middle of nowhere; it's so great! We're a half-hour from groceries any direction we drive, so not too bad. We have four kids, but only one left at home. She is immunocompromised, and we were originally told chickens...
  5. LittleDinosaur

    Keeping a single Gander?

    I currently have 2 cocks and 29 hens, 1 guinea cock and 1 guinea hen. The guineas are great at keeping the aerial predators away, haven't lost a chicken to a hawk since getting guineas, however I do have trouble with foxes and weasels. I've heard that large breed geese are good at warding off...
  6. MillersFarm

    MillersFarm's Coop.

    Coming Soon~!
  7. I

    Kittens with chickens... ?

    Not quite sure where to post this, but here goes. I have an established flock of laying hens, guineas, and Muscovey Ducks. They all free range in the afternoons about 3-4 hours. Well, the ducks are out all the time now as they refuse to be cooped anymore and rarely leave the pond. My husband...
  8. I

    Whiting True Blues

    Hello! I'm fairly new to the backyard flock, having 10 hens, 3 Guineas, and 12 Muscovy ducks. Two of the chickens are Whiting True Blues that are approaching 30 weeks and have not started laying. Their clutch mates began laying at @ 24 weeks. Does anyone have any experience with them that they...
  9. M

    guineas and chickens

    i have a 4 yr old male guinea that has lost all his mates. I have 3 peri-menopausal chickens ages 3 & 5 yrs old. Can I move the chickens to the guinea pen so he will have some companions? All free range during the day but have never co-mingled. All are penned at night. I am hoping to bring the 3...
  10. H

    Raising Guineas with Chickens?

    (I'm long-winded so feel free to skip the "because" and go right to the question in paragraph 2) My daughter was diagnosed with Lyme at 2 years old. She's 4 now. That's what started my whole "backyard bird" idea - that and I thought it was a great opportunity for her to learn some...
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