
  1. CloneFly

    What to do With Cracked Eggs

    We've all dealt with cracked eggs and the disappointment that comes when we find one (or two!) in the egg box. But here's the question; what do you do with these cracked eggs? Personally, I crack the damaged egg(s) into a bowl and feed it back to the girls- they loooove the ooey gooey...
  2. Cephalo

    Chicken Training Stories (Intentional or not!)

    Hello! I am planning on getting my first chicks this spring and wondered if the BYC community could share their chicken training stories. What have you trained your chickens to do on purpose? What about accidental habits that you’ve taught them? I know I’ve accidentally trained my dogs all...
  3. K

    Can an old coop become a nest box?

    I adopted two buff orpington chicks from someone who was about to get rid of them, and couldn't bear that thought, but had (and have) no idea how to raise them. They were probably about three or four weeks old at the time. I would guess they are about 24 weeks old now. Anyway, when I first got...
  4. Christopher28fair

    Proper water for chickens

    Given a choice between a freshly poured bowl of sparkling clean water and a one-inch-deep puddle of muddy slop they themselves are standing in, your typical chicken will choose the muddy slop every time.
  5. Christopher28fair

    Nesting box habits

    No matter how many chickens you have, if you have three nesting boxes, at some point at least two hens will crowd into one box.
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