
  1. RainyDayChickens

    Chick with Lazy eye?

    I've already established that this is no emergency, as the chick shows no signs of distress, pain, or lethargy. Plus she is already 3 going on 4 weeks old, I'm just curious if anyone else has ever had a chick like this, and knows if she'll grow out of it or if I should expect anything wrong in...
  2. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    First off, no one panic please or feel bad because Rulu the Rhode Island Red has lived a veryyyyy long happy life. So, today we went out to the ducks, turkeys and chickens and I noticed Rulus eye being shut. I quickly investigated without touching her. Then, I asked my freind to help me put her...
  3. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Right now I have 13 hens. 7 that hatched in spring of 2022, and 6 that hatched in spring of 2023. 4 of my original 7 hatchlings from 2023 stopped laying this past May after introducing the 6 new pullets and a 1yo Bantam Rooster (who is very nice to our girls) around the beginning of May. They...
  4. 2

    Homemade Feed Advice (New to Backyard Chickens)

    So I am new to keeping chickens and won't start until September, but would love to have everything set up and all the knowledge to keep them successfully! So my main question is how good is my homemade feed recipe and if I am missing anything or low/high on a certain nutritional value. 25%...
  5. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Healthiest chicken breeds

    I've had chickens for just under a year now, and I've already had to learn some tough lessons: production layers get reproductive issues and eventually need to be culled, some breeds are prone to health issues, older chickens don't lay as much, and some just don't live that long. I started my...
  6. S

    Bumblefoot- week after scab removal

    Hi everyone, I used to have an account here a while back but seemed to have lost my login information. I have a rooster who is a week into recovery from a bumblefoot scab removal on both feet, a vet performed the scab removal. Rooster was born around 2020 (two years old), breed is a polish...
  7. W

    To eat, or not to eat?

    One of my hens had a freak accident this morning. She was found, hanging by her neck, in between the gate and the fence at about 8:30 am. Sunrise was at 6:30, so she couldn’t have been there any longer than about 2-3 hours. She wasn’t sick, had no known health problems, and it was wasn’t a...
  8. K

    New to chickens, and i have one that seems ok but has a swollen eye.

    Is it ok to give corid to my chicks even if they seem fine?
  9. B

    Thin white worms in chicken’s old water - is this a concern?

    I swapped out an old dish waterer for a nipple setup for my chickens about a week ago. They are 5 month old Black Australorpes and are just starting to lay. After taking the old waterer dish away, I left it in the sun and did not clean it for about a week (lazy, I know!) as I planned to throw...
  10. ChickChic00

    Fermented Feed

    Would Fermented Feed that includes, Whole Oats, Corn, and Sunflower Seeds be a good whole diet for my chickens? Hear me out please.i have over 200 chickens, most are free ranging and go in a house at night. I give them grit and oystershell on the side for them. Could I cut costs by feeding them...
  11. N

    42 days laying straight

    Hello everyone. My golden sexlink started laying at 21 weeks old on September 3, she has not yet taken a day break. I’m happy but also feel so bad for her. She seems energetic and happy. How many of you have ad an egg laying machine like my Ms. Ruby?
  12. 1234chicken4321

    Food to help growth?

    Hi, these chicks are the same age (they're 4 weeks). Sadly they became ill (why they're indoors) and so their growth has been effected plus some of their siblings died. Fingers crossed these guys will make it through (still showing symptoms), but what can I give the smaller left chick to help it...
  13. Thechickentrainer1999

    Irregular shaped pupil

    I have an almost 3 year old buff orpington hen who's left eye has all of a sudden changed. She acts normal, looks overall healthy but I'm not sure why it has changed. The pupil is slightly irregular shaped while the eye is a lighter color. The other eye is completely normal. She's lived with the...
  14. G

    Chickens are randomly dying

    It's starting to get warm here in Minnesota, no more winter, but yesterday and today I found two dead chickens. They were pretty healthy, nice and fluffy, I didn't find any predator marks on them. What could be the problem? Is it because of the sudden change in weather? But the first one that...
  15. J

    Should I be worried?

    I'm a first time chicken mama and I just can't find a definitive answer. Is this ok? Sgould i be worried?
  16. cluckmecoop7

    What did you give you chickens for breakfast today?

    Hi all, I was wondering what you gave your chickens for breakfast today of some other day. Yesterday I gave them there own chicken food, chopped up celery leaves, and breadcrumbs. Is that the kind of thing I should be giving them? I want to make sure they eat healthy and don't get fat. If you...
  17. robbieg

    Sitting chicken???

    just picked up a silver laced Wyandotte. She’s about 14-16 weeks old and nice and healthy. I’ve started noticing today that she just keeps sitting. She will walk around (a little bit awkwardly) and then just sit down and eat. She still jumps onto twigs and branches and even onto her small...
  18. FluffTheDuck

    Poop checks! (Poop pics included!)

    The poop checkers I know will decide if their healthy: @casportpony (tag people that you know that are “poop checkers”!) So I have two pekin ducks that will be a year (estimated) March 7. I want to start a thread where every week I will post pics of their poop, and the poop checkers tell me if...
  19. Dancing Bee

    Great Chicks become great Hens

    I'm posting this in the "Raising Baby Chicks" forum because that may be where newbies look first- that's what I did. I want to report that my 4 baby chicks, which I got on May 1, 2018, are now 4 wonderful, fun, friendly and healthy chickens. Yes, having healthy and happy chickens is possible...
  20. Siyabonga Mama

    My hens are dying and I don't know why

    I just found my second dead hen. She's young, looks healthy. No sign of being pecked or hurt by a predator. Some poop around the vent, but it wasn't blocked. No sign of being egg-bound, or maggots, or mites. Their poop is normal, as far as I can tell, maybe a little on the goopy side but then...
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