
  1. U

    HELP! my baby duck who has been delivered to my house she was fine. Until now she has been shaking and standing up weird. She can barely open her eyes

    Hi there is very new for me of ordering baby duck so I tried it. When she finally arrived she was alright she ran crazy yk. But now she has been shaking weird and very likely cant drink water or eat. Im sure I have seen my baby duck drink and eat the first days she came. What can I do? I mean...
  2. Raunak Dahal

    HELPP !! Rooster is sick

    For the past few days, our cockerel has had trouble breathing. After crowing, he takes a deep breath, and after walking a few steps, he takes another deep breath. You can hear a wheezing sound from his neck or mouth, and he has lost his appetite. Additionally, he has numerous wounds on his comb...
  3. Nbbl

    what breed is it or is it just a mix?😁

  4. Nbbl

    is it possible to determine the gender❓🙃

  5. Chickensinthesun

    Roosters need gone ASAP (Vermont)

    Hi friends! I just got rid of a good chunk of my hens because I’m going off to college but I have to many roosters for the hens I have left! And I don’t want them fighting. If anyone could come and take a rooster I have (2) or both! I’d would be eternally grateful they are healthy and docile...
  6. J

    HELP !!Duck with infected wound (graphic photos)

    About 7 month ago my duck had a small odd growth that kept growing untill it was pretty big, then one day I went out to check on the ducks when it had just fallen off and left a hole. I thought it was a good thing and that it could finally heal but it just won't heal. It stayed as a black scab...
  7. joshschickenflock

    Rooster eye half open half closed Help!

    I think my rooster was fighting and while they were fighting my other rooster pecked it in the eye now the roosters eye is half closed and half open I can see the eye but not fully. Please help what can I put?
  8. S

    Urgent! Turkey leg injury - how to fix??

    Baby turkey (about 1 week?) was unfortunately placed with ducklings and received a leg injury. He was promptly removed and placed in a separate box. At the beginning, he balanced on one leg, and held the other up with toes curled. I put cardboard on his toes to straighten them out, and Internet...
  9. divineangel94


    This has been going on for a year. When she’s standing and during the day she is fine. They all have been on tylan for mycoplasma. For a few years. She is seven, not laying eggs. She has been confirmed to be done for good. During the day she eats, chases, treats and is her feisty self. Only at...
  10. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP NEEDED‼️ Chicken possibly has vent gleet?

    Hello everyone, I have a 3 year and 9 month old leghorn hen who has seemingly been going through vent gleet. It all started about 3 days ago when i started seeing a “messy” butt. I pulled her in today and smelled her butt. As a result, her butt smelled like human urine. The color of those messy...
  11. Kagen101

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    Hello, So one of my ducks Clare, became slow about 2-3 days ago and hasn’t gotten better, now today she isn’t eating any food, and she is only pooping egg white. A about a week ago we started giving her and her sisters calcium supplements because Clare’s sister was having trouble laying. I’m...
  12. Alpine Bobwhite

    How to make BOBWHITES NEST??

    We have two Bobwhites in the aviary, a male normal mutation, and a female white mutation. It would be nice if they could nest this Spring, but we don't know what sort of place they'd like to nest. We also don't know what sort of nesting material they favour (just straw?). Are there any other...
  13. Hen_House04

    Iceberg Lettuce HELP!

    Help! I grabbed a head of iceberg lettuce and gave the chickens a few leaves and let them peck at it. They ate less than a half of the whole head. I’m reading now that it is toxic to them. What are signs I should look out for?! I’d hate if something happened to them. I didn’t know!!! Please help!
  14. S

    EMERGENCY Hen acting weird!

    Hello all, Today when I got home my hen has been acting very strange, she started waddling (walking like if something is bothering her in between her legs) she has been laying and has definitely played 10+ I have no idea what's wrong with her. Her comb has black tips and it is now floppy when...
  15. T

    Help again! What breed is this chick!!

    Same order of rare assortment chicks from mcmurray and this little guy has me confused. Anyone have any ideas?
  16. T

    Help! What breed is this chick!?

    Hi! I ordered chicks from McMurray hatchery and I got the rare breed assortment, it’s always fun figuring out the breeds but some have me stumped, they look like one breed but also look like another! Any ideas?
  17. T

    Help again!! What breed?

    So along with the rare assortment of chicks I got from mcmurray hatchery I also got this lil guy/girl. I thought it might be a jersey giant, but I’m not sure that breed is included in the assortment I ordered, though I could be wrong! Anyone have any ideas?
  18. T

    What chick breed is this??

    I got these chicks in today from McMurray hatchery, I got the rare breed assortment. Does anyone have an idea of what this chick might be?
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