
  1. P

    How can I make a quail feeder that eliminates their mess?

    I’m trying out raising quail for the first time and I’ve heard that they are extremely messy, is there a way to fix this or do I just have to top it up ever few hours?
  2. GlicksChicks

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Today while I was collecting seeds from my Cauliflower seed pods I was thinking about the seed pods opening up on their own when I wasn't around, and that got me thinking even more.. What if I made a garden section where I left the plants, partially, to their own devices. I would still water...
  3. M

    Snake proofing my chicken coop....Money is not a concern.

    First time with chickens and ducks...we have 18 baby chicks (all female) and 3 baby ducklings (all female)...we are currently assembling our chicken coops that we purchased at Lowes....I realize there might not be a 100% effective way to keep snakes out of the coop, but if money was not a...
  4. Loving my girls

    My hen house - suggestions welcome

    Hi guys, Every year I do a bit of a spring clean on my hen house and do repairs and a couple of upgrades. Wondering if you do the same ? Wondering if you would like to pick up on ideas from other peoples hen houses ? I also have polystyrene shutters that clip into the windows for when it get...
  5. ChickChic00

    Rooster Breed?

    Got this rooster at Flock Swap yesterday. Don't know what he is. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!!
  6. Chickensaurus Rex

    How to fence in areas off-limits to chickens in a way that looks nice?

    The title is my question! My girls are BIG and started laying for the first time ever yesterday!! I'm so thrilled and proud of them. 😂It's almost September which means it's time to start a big garden conversion project. The basic gist is I have a 2000sqft fenced in side yard thanks to previous...
  7. N

    Goose pond ideas?

    Hello! I have 4 three month old (approximately) geese and I'm looking for pond ideas. They currently have a large kiddie pool and an old bathtub so we are good for this summer but I would like to start figuring out something more permanent for next year. Looking to see what you guys have that...
  8. Squeeing_Onion

    DIY Incubator - did i do this right?

    This is a very small incubator i intend to use for quail eggs. It has two thermometers for redundancy insurance in case one goes goofy, one glass and one digital (needs batteries but it works!). The bottom has a plastic tray for holding water. A hose extends down into the tray so water can be...
  9. Oob Child


    Hi, I'm looking for a two or three storey rabbit run to use for quail. I'm looking for one about 38x98 cm in the Sydney region, or for shipping in nsw or Australia. Does anyone have one I could have, or know where I could get one? I'll have to go second hand, because I'm looking for one under...
  10. Mary Poopins Love

    Story Ideas needed!

    Hello, I've been wanting to write a story but can't find any good ideas. The requirements for me to consider your ideas. 1. the main character(s) need to be an animal. 2. Please tell me the setting, year, and major happenings in your story idea 3. Animals can't be able to talk to humans And...
  11. A

    Doe refuses to use nesting box

    Looking for some advice. I have a 6-month-old TAMUK doe who was bred last month. I gave her a clean/sanitized (but previously used) wooden nest box with fresh straw on day 28 of her pregnancy and she was showing healthy signs of wanting to nest. But she absolutely refused the box. She would...
  12. Incubating eggs to hatch females

    Incubating eggs to hatch females

    I have a different method that may help you hatch more female hands then roosters. I'm not an expert but thankfully I'm not a beginner and this has worked for me. Keep the temperature inside the incubator between 99.2 Fahrenheit to 99.4 Fahrenheit try to keep it far away 101-4 because you are...
  13. Dr Evy

    Chicks bullying one chick

    Hi. So I hatched baby chicks two weeks ago tomorrow. Two of them hatched with sprayed leg so I separated them and braced their legs right away. But now I have a problem. My chick is bonded to her brother the one who was with her while their legs were healing, but he got a slipped tendon along...
  14. A

    Setting up a safe broody coop?

    So we had a new shed installed two months ago when our flock outgrew their coop. A week ago we had some bad windstorms and it took it down. Thankfully the chickens were free ranging and not in the coop. ( I don’t know where they took cover, but we didn’t lose any) so anyway, we’ve had to move...
  15. LadyofChickens

    Hi y'all, kind of new.

    Finally getting back on here again, it's been awhile. This is really kind of a difficult app to navigate and figure out exactly where to go. Anyways, good to be back inside the world of chickens! 😁🐥🐓 P.S. I desperately need ideas for naming my chicken hobby. Small scale, 1 acre, on top...
  16. MamaGer8ty

    16wk rooster but what breed???

    This is my boy El Diablo...he is most definitely a butthead but I love him and I love his colors. He crows all the time and he lives up to his name by waking me up this morning at 4am at my back door and not stopping until 4:40am. I cannot figure out what breed he is. The store had him marked as...
  17. Freaky Farm

    Shamo chicks fighting in brooder

    Hi there, I am trying to find out as much information as I can to be prepared if needed. I understand that, even as chicks, shamos can be extremely aggressive even from day one, particularly the young cockerals. Others have said this may happen around 3 weeks, that they start to fight. How...
  18. Liv's chickens

    Keeping chickens off porch?

    Hello everybody! I have been struggling with keeping the birds off of the front porch. I definitely would still like to free range, but the girls love to jump on the porch and make a mess. Does anyone have any tips or ideas that have worked for them? I’d love to hear Thanks!
  19. R

    FFA Science fair Ideas

    I am an FFA member, and for our AG class, we need to come up with a science fair project for the state science fair. I did one with chickens last year, and I was third at state with a shot at nationals. I am currently looking for another project that is similar but am running out of ideas. any...
  20. ChickenPerson999999

    How do I make a chicken coop?

    How do I make a chicken coop? Does anyone have any ideas how to make a simple or cheap chicken coop? I’m looking for cheap or homemade chicken coop ideas. I have 4 chickens currently I’m planning to get more in the future so if anyone has nice ideas please let me know. Thanks for reading.
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