integrate flocks

  1. K

    New chicken bullying old flock

    Hi all, We recently added 4 adult chickens to our existing flock of 5- we had them in a fenced off part of the yard for 3 weeks, and have let them mingle in the 1/4 acre yard the last week. The two flocks are mostly just ignoring one another, but one of the new hens (a blue laced Wyandotte) has...
  2. Chaunchie

    Combining Flock question

    Hi fellow chicken people! I have a question regarding flocks sharing a run. Chicken math has gotten me too many times and it’s time to downsize. I currently have 2 separate flocks. I am rehoming half of my hens. I am looking to combine my flocks where they use the same run. I have two coops...
  3. G

    Integrating pullets and hens backwards??

    I need some advice about integrating but in a kind of backwards way… usually I see people integrating pullet with older hens… I want to do the opposite. I have 3 pullets, about 12 weeks old. I’m wanting to rescue a few more hens but they’re about 12 months old so will be larger than the...
  4. NH-McQs

    Can a hen live alone? Or, need tips for integrating sworn enemies...

    We had two flocks of two hens each in coops that share a hardware cloth wall (they can see each other). The two flocks are sworn enemies of each other and all attempts to integrate have failed. We aren't talking a few pecks, this is a battle to the death, fighting like I have only ever seen...
  5. Great_Strides

    Integrating Salmon Faverolles and Barred Rocks 🤔

    We got three Barred Rock pullets (maybe 10-14 weeks old) recently and I spoke for two Salmon Faverolles from the same place to be picked up later. I only researched breeds that would be good with children. Not with each other 🤦‍♀️ We brought the 6 week old Faverolles home last weekend and...
  6. 5

    🐓🐓Flock Integration Advice

    Hello chicken enthusiasts! Back in April, I was only able to get two barred rock (due to some specific circumstances). I had them in the run for a few weeks, so that they would know that it was their home and such. My older flock, free ranges and would come and go from the run as they would...
  7. MenachemEliyahu

    Unintended integration

    I was planning to give my chicks more room in the brooder when they discovered that they could escape in to the run from a break they made through the green mesh I used to keep them separate from the hens. So far they’re behaving, but I lost one chick to the hens already so I’m keeping an eye...
  8. allebasi4

    Aggressive? Rooster With New Pullets

    Hi, I'm needing some advice for introducing younger chickens. I have 3 standard 10 week old pullets and two 10 week old Seramas. They grew up together and are perfectly happy together but I'm wanting to eventually move the 3 bigger girls in with my existing flock consisting of four 7 month old...
  9. BrahmaMom1797

    Reintegration of 16 week old chicks to flock questions

    Hello all! I have a couple questions that I think I can answer myself but need a little confirmation on. I recently evacuated due to the wildfires raging in California and not only had to separate some of my flock, but also mix a bunch of them together. The night I left home with my family, we...
  10. M

    2 flock integration PLUS hen hatching chicks

    I have 2 flocks. 6x 1 year old easter egger hens In a small coop and enclosure and 14x 3 month old mixed chicks (7 hens,7 roosters I hatched in an incubator from someone’s backyard eggs) the 14 are in a big coop and bigger enclosure. I want to move the other 6 into the big coop with them. They...
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