
  1. C

    Laying in pond!

    I have three female ducks that I haven’t seen one egg from. I assume they’re laying in our pond (natural), and they are fenced in with our 27 chickens. They don’t go in at night, and even if they did they’d be let out at daybreak with the chickens. They have a house that they rarely use and...
  2. hannahsocal

    Point of lay pullets not laying in winter, any suggestions? 🙏🏼😊

    Hello! I have a few 23 week old (almost 24 week old) blue andalusian pullets that were “supposed” to start laying last week or the week before. I’ve been feeding them later pellets and scratch as well as the occasional kitchen scraps (all good for chickens ofc), adding supplemental lighting to...
  3. proudduckowner22

    Ducks not laying

    Hi. I have about 12 or so female ducks. All under 2.5 years old. I have not received a single, not one, duck egg for 3 months now. I live in Alberta too by the way. I don’t give my ducks any supplemental heat, no heat lamps or anything. I feed my ducks once everyday, barley and 17% chicken layer...
  4. Sara_nowo

    Blue Wyandottes?

    So I’m not finding a lot of info on blue Wyandottes, most threads and articles are on blue laced red Wyandottes. Is this type of breed not common? I’m new to this and it’s my first year with chickens. I have 8 Wyandottes and LOVE them to death but they are still not laying and I can’t find much...
  5. Launchpad

    Duck egg questions

    So my Pekin female, Daphne, has been laying eggs consistently for a couple of weeks now. Only once did I fail to find an egg... until yesterday and today. I didn't turn the coop completely inside out but I searched all her nesting spots. Its possible im missing it but I've found them every...
  6. Chickadee00

    Help laying problem

    I found my sebright hen standing in the coop all hunched over, looking like she was in pain, she couldn't really walk and I think an egg is stuck, her vent looks very strange though. Could it be a prolapse? Did anyone peck her? Pls help
  7. hannahsocal

    Do Chickens Prefer to Lay In Indoor or Outdoor Nest Boxes?

    I’ve seen a variety of nest box styles while perusing chicken coop ideas for my future coop build. I’ve seen several where the nest boxes are inside the coop (either externally or internally), and some where the nest boxes are outside the coop (appears to be for more free ranging plans)...
  8. 0

    Duck in “labor” when laying egg

    My silver appleyards have just started laying and one of them, Vidia, is odd. The day before she laid her first egg we noticed her butt was “heavy” (that’s what we call it - you can see their butt looks a little heavier, and since these guys have a bulldog stance it’s very noticeable). During...
  9. K

    Why is my chicken not laying?

    I have three hens and two of them lay pretty much everyday, but my other one, hasn’t layed in like 5 days, and she lays MAXIMUM once a week. We haven’t gotten an egg from her in awhile so I’m getting concerned. She looks fine and she isn’t walking funny so I don’t think she’s eggbound. ???
  10. Polish-Pal

    Easter eggers started laying.. then stopped

    Hello all! I have a flock of 2 buff polish, 1 white crested black polish, 1 sussex, 1 splash silkie, and 3 Easter eggers. All except the silkie were hatched April 1, so they’re approaching 6 months old. About a month and a half ago, the Easter eggers started laying. I got a super jumbo egg...
  11. EmilyAlamano

    Help! 15 hens and just a few eggs a day

    We are trying to figure out why our egg production has gone down so dramatically these last couple months, could it be that we added a rooster or pigs? Here’s lots of details - 15 hens, 1-7 eggs a day usually less than 5 Age: 10 of them are 2.5yrs old, 5 of them are 6 mo old Location: Pacific...
  12. V

    Does this look like a cream legbar egg?

    We have a few girls coming into lay right now. I’m expecting our olive egger and our CCL to lay within the next 3-6 weeks. I checked both girls to see the width of their pelvic bones and the CCL, even though she is a month younger seems to have spread further apart… 2.5 fingers versus the 1.5...
  13. Hball

    Ducks not laying eggs

    Hello! I have 1 female that just turned 18 weeks old. I got 3 more females about a month ago and was told they were a year old and the two runners were supposed to be laying, but they haven’t. Could it be due to stress from the transition or cooler weather?
  14. C

    Pacing chicken

    We have a 23 1/2 week old easter egger that has not begun to lay yet. Our two silkies are the only ones producing at the moment. In the last two days she has been pacing incessantly in and out of the coop all day long. She keeps going into the nesting boxes then out onto perch then immediately...
  15. madsnbot

    Can laying hens eat starter/grower feed?

    Hey y’all. So my chickens are on purina starter/grower feed and they just started laying eggs. The eggs have really hard shells and seem very healthy. I also have some chicks that are around 6-7 weeks old. I don’t wanna have to buy two different feeds for them so would it be okay to continue...
  16. spiritpots

    Chickens laying outside of coop... advise please!

    I have a small flock of six chickens and several of them have started laying outside of the coop in the flower garden under one of my windows this week. One of the chickens had been broody until about a week ago (she has not started laying yet after being broody) and I'm wondering if her...
  17. M

    Found some eggs…

    Our chickens have been climbing over our gate and laying eggs in the weeds a few feet from their pen… I would just toss them out but we found a ton, is there any way to tell if they are good or not?
  18. PileatedFarms

    Will new laying ladies know where to lay?

    We have some juvenile chickens who are gearing up to lay and are wondering if they will know to lay in the nesting boxes? They are free ranging so we don't know if they'll be wild layers or learn from the older hens where to lay. Any tips or advice? Thanks!
  19. T

    my duck has lay two soft shell eggs after a hard one

    hi there, my duck Mango has laid a perfectly fine hard egg this morning. however this afternoon she’s laid a soft shell egg followed by another one less than an hour later. she’s 2 years this november so it’s not her first lay. she has also got a good diet, layer feed eggshells and mealworms and...
  20. M

    Calcium balls attracted to egg?

    Hi all One of my hens (I am not 100% sure which one) has been for the past 2 weeks atleast, probably longer laying eggs with what I am assuming is calcium deposits attached to the shell of the eggs. They are super tiny round balls some of them rub off but most are super stuck. It almost looks...
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