mother hen

  1. F

    Mother & Chicks Leaving at Night

    Hi All, Our mother hen just hatched three beautiful chicks last week (Thursday) and they have been hanging out in the coop and around the yard since Monday when they came outside. They stick together and stay close to the coop. The chickens, Easter Eggers, are free-range (four ladies and a...
  2. KikiDeAnime

    Juniper and her babies

    Juniper, our Olive Egger, really wanted to become a mother so on Saturday I bought 4 baby chicks from our local feed store. 2 Red Sex Links, 1 Barred Rock, and 1 Black Australorp. We actually got the Black Australorp by mistake because they were in with the Barred Rocks but I love it already...
  3. chicksandchores

    Adopting chicks to a mother hen

    I had a hen hatch out six chicks, and I wanted a couple more white egg layers (my entire laying flock right now are brown egg layers) so I got her four little Cali whites to go with her six youngins. I had read that I would have to wait until night, and do it oh so carefully, but I can’t pull...
  4. J

    Chickens, chooks, keets.

    I have a very secure pen and chicken house that I have successfully housed guinea fowl and a rooster and hens. They free range during the day. Sadly one of my alpacas slid the window of their hen house open and a fox killed all my guinea fowl and some of my hens. I have Maremmas guarding all...
  5. anarivers

    Hen lost baby, can we replace?

    Hello, I have a hen that hatched a chick in the last 24 hours. Sadly, the chick was unable to finish the hatching process and died. We took the egg/baby away but the hen is still sitting on the nest as if to be waiting for her baby to hatch. We happen to have chicks that we hatch via incubation...
  6. ChickenTater

    Becky the Baby (a silly story, with pics)

    So I have two Brown Leghorn hens from the same clutch, that I named Becky and Bailey. They were almost identical as chicks, the only difference being the mark around their eyes. This is Becky- she has a sort of winged eye liner marking. (my friend called her "becky with the good eye liner"...
  7. Kealey

    Unique Introduction

    So a couple weeks back we bought a mother hen and six chicks, unfortunately she only accepted four of them (only the ones the same color as her; four were black, the other two were yellow, is this unusual?) and the other two didn't make it. Anyway, at this point the chicks are at least a month...
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