pekin ducks

  1. HorseDad

    Duck egg incubation question

    We noticed tonight during candling that one egg seems to be stuck to the membrane or have some sort of issue with the veins. It almost seems like there may be blood inside the egg. If anyone has any info on what this could be, I'd love to hear it. Should we remove the egg? Hope it hatches? The...
  2. M

    Pekin duck

    Duck had a pip Monday night & started working since Tuesday afternoon. It never progressed too far so today I helped it hatch. It hatched about an hour ago and isn’t standing yet which I assume is normal? It’s in the incubator still by itself it’s the only egg that we had make it. I just noticed...
  3. DovesFlock

    Why do my ducks nibble me so much?

    I have 2 male Pekín ducks I raised as babies (as well as a female muscovey but she’s on the skidding side. I didn’t raise her.) And they LOVE to nibble on my kinda hard. I don’t think they mean to do it so hard but I also can’t tell. If I don’t have closed toes shoes on they chase my feet...
  4. danimajor1988

    Sexing 7 week old Pekin duck pair

    Hi! I'd like some educated guesses as to the genders of my ducks. Pretty sure ones a male, the little one. It looks like it might be getting a curly tail feather but maybe I'm just reading them wrong haha.
  5. A

    Help my duck wont stop quaking

    Hi:), I need help please !! I have 2 beautiful ducks one muscovy and one Pekin, that I rescued from a swapmeet when they were ducking . All had been well, until like last week . Micheal just started to scream But I mean..SCREAM!! And it was for anything and everything. . It's gotten to the...
  6. DuckWar

    Pekin ducks

    Which Hatchery has the best quality pekin ducks or do they all come from the same place ?
  7. 10PekinDucks

    New to incubating pekins

    We have 2 females that lay 1 egg each per day. Males are very frequent with them so we believe the eggs are all fertile. I've read you should bring the eggs to room temp before placing in the incubator. I have a few questions I haven't found answers to: 1. How long can they sit before starting...
  8. ErinLeTourneau

    Pekin Duck — Molting/Struggling to Walk

    My pekin duck — Willow — has always been bigger than her sister — Sugar — but it’s been getting bad as of recent. Since they started getting bigger, Willow struggles to catch up to Sugar. I bought these two standard pekin ducks back in May from McMurray Hatchery, so they’re seven months old...
  9. Maddog_photog

    Injury on female’s side

    Any guesses on what could have caught her side? I noticed the bloody patch this AM when I let her out. I have to get ready for work, so I can’t investigate. I’m thinking maybe there’s some hardware cloth poking in, but it would be much higher on her. Any suggestions from the BYC crew? Could her...
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    Pekin Ducks Foraging, all 4
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    New Pekin family
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    Finally accepted into the flock
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    New Pekin Additions
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    Ducks keeping warm
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    Ducks all snuggled and warm
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    Pekin Duck eggs on a Grade A large chicken egg carton
  17. Apollos-Quackers

    Open range Pekin duck nesting + some other questions

    Hi Everyone! It's been a while!! COVID has been keeping me B U S Y !! (Babysitting for essential working daughters ;)) My Pekin ducks born on Mother's Day (19 weeks) have started mating. I have 1 drake and 3 hens (and a young female Mallard that's been adopted by them). I've been told I should...
  18. Maddog_photog

    What is this duckie behavior!?

    What is this Duck behavior? I observe it often from my two Pekins and have always wondered what it was. I thought of it as a “Duck hug” but I would like other more experienced Duck parents to confirm.
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