
  1. Cammo77

    G'day everyone!

    G'day everyone from (not so) sunny Queensland, Australia. Big thank you for letting me join your online community. My wife and I have a 1 acre block and currently have 3 laying hens (ex-cage Hyline commercial layers) and recently acquired 6 pullets. 2 Welsummer, 2 Polish, Blue laced Barnevelder...
  2. P

    green poop?

    hello, i have a 7 month old polish rooster who’s been having green poop. he’s acting normal otherwise and even tho the poop is green it’s a normal consistency, just green. he doesn’t eat very many greens as i can’t free range him(too many hawks in the area, and he can barely see with his hair)...
  3. Enid Stowers

    Large nostril?

  4. T

    Could this be a cross breed

    We got baby chicks over the summer and this was one we got from the tub labeled Blue tint Wyandotte but the head feathers make me wonder if it’s a polish or polish mix? I’m still new to chickens so don’t have a good handle on all the breed characteristics yet! Thanks!
  5. L

    Polish Roosters in need a home in NY

    Hello, I have 3 (just starting to crow) Polish roosters in need of home in NY. I took them in as rescues when the owner passed away leaving a bunch of chickens. When I picked them up they had smooth poofs suggesting hens so perfect to add to my few hens. Over the weeks of their poofs have...
  6. H

    Is This A Tumor On My Chickens Neck? If So What Could Cause This?

    Hello again everyone. This has been a rough week. Thank you for everyone’s advice about helping my sick chicken & questions on deworming my flock. This community has been a god send. As I was deworming everyone I discovered another one of my Polish chickens has a big golf ball-sized lump on the...
  7. M

    Golden laced polish not eating.

    Hi all. I have five - 6 month old hens. One is a golden laced polish. As expected, she is the most skittish. I’m worried that she is not getting enough to eat. She is hesitant and just stops trying if another chicken is around her. She is not being bullied. Her crop is almost always nearly...
  8. BSHAV3R

    Polish Hens and Easter Eggers living together??

    We have 3 polish hens (12 weeks) and we bought 6 Easter Eggers (now 4 weeks). Does anyone see any problems in introducing them together when the Easter Eggers when they are ready to go outside?
  9. D

    Adding to my flock

    I have a what’s supposed to be 4 month old Maran that’s huge. I got her and 2 polish chickens that are supposed to be 2-3 months old. The Maran is too big to be with the polish hens. She may even be bigger than my 3 year olds. Has anyone had a less stressful way of introducing new hens to your...
  10. The Main Coop Cam_20230812_191536.mp4

    The Main Coop Cam_20230812_191536.mp4

    Phyllis and the ladies enjoying Anthony Snape live in concert in our backyard
  11. Nikkistar13

    Golden Laced Polish Flock

    Still no clue on gender. Any advice? No eggs yet. 20 weeks old. Two are kinda crowing, one is a sweet scissor beak.
  12. Phyllis taking a Bath

    Phyllis taking a Bath

    Phyllis takes a nice peaceful bath
  13. Flipping Phyllis

    Flipping Phyllis

    Phyllis flips herself over shaking out the dirt from a good dust bath.
  14. TheWasp

    Polish Roo Mixes?

    Howdy, my little Ric Flair (Splash Polish Roo) recently mated 2 of my Houdan girls and my Faverolle female. What would their offspring look like? Included a pic of Ric
  15. InNC

    I worried I may have ruptured her egg?

    I have a hen I treated for bumble foot a few weeks ago. Today I was giving her feet a look over when she peed on me.. except I thought chickens didn't pee? I was holding her with her back to my chest with one hand so I could un curl and inspect her left foot with my other. She was fighting me a...
  16. StepfordCuckoos

    Silkie or Silkie/Polish cross?

    These chicks hatched June 9th. I know it's way too early to tell what the genders are, so I'm not thinking about that yet. I am curious about coloring/breed though. The pen these two came from have a splash silkie hen, black silkie hen, buff laced hen, mottled cochin. We also have silkie roos...
  17. monti

    Dual purpose polish

    Anyone ever try to breed for a heavy polish? I'm working on my third generation I crossed first hens with polish I kept a light brahma x polish rooster Then crossed the polish cross hens with my rooster So I have now a polish roosters going to breed them to my second generation Debating on...
  18. Sheilamae219

    Polish Color Variation Question

    Hello! I have two Polish growouts from the same breeder. I'm trying to identify what color pattern theirs would be considered to be? I've seen others with the same black and white color variation described as tolbunt, but the tolbunt I know of is tricolor. Are these two a form of tolbunt, or...
  19. 20230618_123915.mp4


    The tribe enjoys some grass seeds
  20. kerryb90

    Pullet or Cockerel? Polish Edition!

    These three are about 7-8 weeks old (roughly) and happily free ranging in the yard. I've never raised polish birds from chicks before so I'm not sure how to tell their sexes at this age. I'm guessing, though, that #1 is a cockerel and #3 is a pullet. No clue on #2. What are your thoughts?
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