
  1. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  2. Osofarm11

    Please help! TW: wound

    Please help! 😭 I have a 10-11 week old cinnamon queen pullet who ended up with a big open wound on the side of her neck yesterday. I’ve given her povidone iodine twice a day but I’m not sure if that’s enough. Anyone have any idea what could have caused this?
  3. saracarver3

    What is doing this to my feed?

    Anyone have any idea what is sneaking into the run and making these little balls of food at night? This morning I also found this dropping…this just started in the last week or two and now it’s every night. The birds eat it in the morning lol. Thanks!
  4. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Hawk comes back for round 2 after getting its Feathers kicked by my Rooster.

    Recently my Rooster prevented a hawk attack against my ducks when a hawk landed down and tried attacking them, Unfortunately, that hawk did not take that kindly and came back for round two, This time coming for one of our chickens, It was the same hawk (It has some marks and feathers lose when...
  5. C

    Need help predator proofing chicken tractor.

    I have a few questions. I have built this cattle panel chicken tractor for the meat chickens and will be the layers run when meat is done. Finishing up on it today. It’s 3 cattle panels, 2x4 (6 and 12foot long, so decently heavy). The front 2/3 is 1/4 hardwire and the back portion (which will...
  6. Plant_Hoarder

    Severed toe tip, unsure what to do

    Hello, so I am back because I had ANOTHER predator get at my chickens about 3 days ago :he The only ones in the crossfire were my two young brahma hens. One is now missing, and this one sustained only an injury to the toe. She somehow managed to sever the skin and muscle around the toe ( I'm...
  7. gwells1980

    The majority of my flock killed in one night

    I had 1 adult speckled Sussex rooster, 1 adult speckled Sussex hen, 1 adult sapphire gem hen, 1 adult buff orpington, 1 adult sapphire gem / speckled Sussex cross, 1 adult orpington / Sussex cross, and 6 nearly fully grown wyadottes bullets. They free ranged in my yard and get put up at night...
  8. A

    Dog Attack(Graphic) Help with Pain/treatment

    My big boy Remus was attacked by a dog(some sort of husky) this was horrible, all caught on my ring camera. My daughter and I went out into the woods following the feathers and by some miracle heard him out there clucking...we kept hollering for him and now he's in the yard kind...
  9. Preston Family Farm

    Weasel Attack Caught on Video (Mildly Graphic) - And How I'm Trying to Prevent Another Attack

    Hi all. This is a bit of a long read but hopefully my story will help some others learn from our mistakes and help keep your own flocks safe. We also welcome any advice on hopefully helping our one injured hen recover. Some of our flock including our beloved rooster Leonard who sadly was one...
  10. Madi431

    *GRAPHIC* Any idea what could have done this to one of my hens?

    I have several hens and one rooster. I usually let them free roam and haven’t had an incident in several years. We don’t have coyotes or foxes near here. I mostly cats, hawks, and possums. I went outside to check on the hens and noticed that there were a bunch of feathers thrown around near the...
  11. Cloverr39

    What killed her? (pictures included)

    Opened the coop today to see a dead pullet right by the door. She had some blood near her neck and upon further inspection I saw 3 tiny little holes in her neck. I'm assuming it's a predator that killed her. What could've done it and how do I prevent it from coming back?
  12. V

    My chickens were attacked

    Hey everyone, A hawk attack my flock and unfortunately one of them died. They were all in shock around my farm, specially my rooster. Now they are back in the coop and after 4 days of the attack they do not want to leave the coop. They get out when I go there to give them treats but...
  13. C

    Our cat got a chick

    She has a minor looking wound near one of her legs. I’ve cleaned it and put Neosporin on it. It seems to have stopped bleeding. Is there anything else I can do? I imagine the biggest concern is infection? Tia
  14. wonderlandfly

    Who killed my rooster? (GRAPHIC CONTENT Warning )

    My cochin bantam rooster Shadow was suffering from some avian chicken pox, so I went ahead and separated him out in a medium/ large dog kennel where he could get better but not spread it to everyone else. He was in there for like 5 or so days when I went out to go feed all the animals like I...
  15. LizzzyJo

    Lost a lovely hen today :(

    My little Copper crossed the rainbow bridge today. She’s only my second predator loss since I started keeping chickens in 2018. It breaks my heart. I will keep everyone in the run for a while until the hawk has moved on. I free range all day (locked at night) with 17 chickens. This is such a...
  16. briannamonique16

    What predators leave only chicken legs?

    I’m trying to figure out what killed my chicken. They’re free range and we have 7 total and one just got killed. None of the others are injured. All it left was two piles of feathers and it left only the chicken leg with foot. The bone is wiped clean and no blood visible anywhere. What predator...
  17. MyISAbrownhens

    Fox Causing Problems

    So today we lost two out of four of our new pullets. We had a total of nine chickens, 4 new chickens and 5 older. Just two weeks ago, we decided that the pullets were big enough to start free ranging at 12 weeks - especially since they were getting along great inside the coop with the older...
  18. E

    Turkeys possibly attacked, no visible injuries, droopy and lethargic with closed eyes

    Hello all, We are first time turkey owners and have 8 heritage breed turkeys that are about 4 months old. We also have chickens, in case it matters. We keep them in electric netting that is regularly rotated on pasture. They have a tractor for food/water with roosts inside, plus a large...
  19. T

    What killed my turkey? Everything gone except neck and head.

    Does anyone know what predator could have killed my turkey. One of my bourbon red hens was in a bush dead. I have a flock of ten turkeys • Only the head and neck were left, however it was seemingly untouched aside from being pulled off of the body • The feathers were not too scattered, but there...
  20. W

    Predator that eats only the neck but leaves the spine and head intact. Help Identify please.

    We found one of our chickens whose neck was stripped of all flesh and feathers but leaves a naked spine connected to a fully intact head and the breast down was perfectly fine aswell. This is the second time this has happened, the first time was either at night or early afternoon. The one we...
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