raising a flock

  1. P

    Survey on what people are raising.

    Please fill out the poll.🙂
  2. O

    Best breeds to sell chicken auctions

    Asking all of my seasoned chicken auction goers what breeds do you see that sell for the most as pullets I know it’s going to be the flashy chickens but I was just wondering what the particular pot of gold was the auctions I have been to I’ve seen austerlopes go for $60 ahead and buffs for 30 I...
  3. australorpluvr

    Flock dynamic

    I'm sure this has been discussed to death but none of the previous answers exactly answer my question. I have a flock of 8 hens. They were separated, 4 in a group, from 1 day old to about 2 months for an agriscience project for my high school science class. After the project, Groups A and B...
  4. Meme1991

    Lets play! Hen or roo!

    Hi everyone! I have two 7 week old Blue Isbars. I'm hoping someone will be able to tell if they are pullets or cockerels. Their hatch date was 4/21. Their names are on each photo. Let me know what you think. Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️ ☺️
  5. MommaG2023

    The Most Amazing Journey

    I am new to raising chickens and bgan this journey only a short bit ago. I keep a journal of daily activity and changes in my chicks. Every morning I go in and check on them and note any worries or interesting changes. As the weeks have passed I have fallen in love with my ladies (and possibly 1...
  6. M

    Introducing a new chick to your chicks that have been in the bin for a week or so

    Hello. I have four bantam chicks and I LOVE them. But I am curious on how to introduce a new baby in the bin. The bantams are a week and a half old. And the new chick is a couple of days old but is a standard easter Egger. I have only seen articles on how to introduce your chicks to an older...
  7. Sparkzthechickenkeeper

    Starting the Sparks flock

    I’m starting a flock @19 years old, I still live at my parents house (yes I know it’s in the works) my mother raised chicks and had chickens of her own 10 years ago. I had been wanting to raise chicks again for a long time! I figured with all the egg crisis stuff going on, my family goes...
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