
  1. L

    Sleeping Chicken, drinks lots when woken, falls asleep while drinking

    Another sick chicken here. Isa Brown, 3yrs old Lays eggs frequently, perfectly good coat She started sleeping during the day, then the following 2 days she has just been sleeping all day. Originally thought she was dying of old age as Isa's dont live forever, and it seemed to be a similar...
  2. MaxEstholt

    Duck can't walk or balance

    Hi! I have a 1 year old male Khaki Campell duck that, as of this morning, had an unusal limp. He was okay yesterday, but right now he struggles to walk. He can't keep his balance and has to use his wings to catch himself and stop himself from wobbling when he walks. He also sits with his butt...
  3. PBAndAlice

    Diarrhea, lethargy, and not eating

    Hi guys, one of my Tractor Supply Easter egger hens, ~3 years old, has been lethargic since yesterday morning, looks like she hasn't been preening her tail, and she has watery diarrhea and her fluff is all dirty from it. Her comb got paler than usual (she's always had a big floppy comb though)...
  4. Timbers Happy Hens

    Chick with eyes stuck shut?

    I’ve got a chocolate Orpington chick that been getting its eyes stuck shut a lot. It started happening a couple weeks ago and I just thought it might be a cold or too dusty in the brooder. So I tried changing the substrate from shaving to a stringy hay with very little dust and added vitamins...
  5. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Egg-bound? Sick?

    So my hen is almost 2 years old. She's normally an active runner and a healthy layer. She hasn't been moving much for the past day and a half and there's definitely an egg in there that she hasn't laid. I've tried all the usual things for an egg-bound hen. We've done a warm Epsom salt soak...
  6. N

    Sick Babies?

    i had eight 3-day-old baby guineas and i check them nearly every hour, sometimes more than that, and theyve very suddenly gotten sick. One has already passed very quickly. they all have very swollen poopy butts, and when i go to wipe them very gently, it seems to let out a waterfall of poop! so...
  7. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    I have a Lavender Orpington that was recently broody, has since hatched her chicks and is still separated with them. They are sleeping in a small crate but free range all day. There are two black spots on her foot that I don’t really know what it is. There is no swelling and their living...
  8. H

    Help us with listless Pluckie

    Hi friends! I am new but because of this group, I’ve successfully treated Bumblefoot and a leg injury! I am lucky enough to have a small house for rehabbing chickens who have had trauma. Pluckie was put in rehab due to feather loss from being picked on. That was in February. We added Helen...
  9. HannahGillie

    15 week old Pullet not gaining weight or growing like rest of flock, what can I do?

    Hi everyone, I posted a thread a few weeks ago about dealing with some respiratory issues with a few of my bantam Cochin pullets, and the good news is they have gotten better from that. Two of them are totally back to normal and are back with the rest of the flock after being treated with...
  10. Goose in the snake room

    Help! Goslings with respiratory infection

    I have 2 7 week old Chinese goslings showing signs of early respiratory infections. One gosling started showing signs almost 2 weeks ago with one eye tearing up and I treated with terramycin thinking it was only an eye issue. He now has a runny nose occasionally, excessive saliva, and some...
  11. CALB00

    Sick Turkey

    I have a 2.5 month old turkey who's been acting sick these last couple of days. Hunched over/droopiness, ruffled feathers, pale, definitely weak and not as active as usual, some weight loss (from loss of appetite), and this weird green diarrhea. She's such a sweetheart I would hate to lose her...
  12. U

    worms in 1 month old bantam chicks please help me save them (warning: pictures)

    Hi everyone, I have 3 bantam chicks, they born 1 month ago, they were 4 but one of them died three days ago, and I discovered a heavy infestation of worms in her little intestines, now I know all of them have it (the parents and 3 chicks remaining) because I saw in their droppings eggs or...
  13. B

    Swollen eye!

    Hi! Help needed for a very inflamed eye! I came home today to one of my chickens left eye extremely swollen, this morning it was completely fine and i cant seem to figure out the cause. She has been acting completely normal with no nasal or chest problems, no crust or leaking in the eye either...
  14. P

    Molting? Sickness?

    This girl is the only one of my flock that looks like this. She’s 8 weeks old, it’s my first time having chicks. I have her isolated but I’m not sure what’s going on.
  15. Backyard chaos

    Quail is super skinny but eating- Help

    Hello! I’m back! Sadly with bad news We have jumbo Coturnix quail (sorry is spelled wrong) that recently have been moved outside in their cages as we don’t have space inside. They have been doing great until today. Me and my brother went outside to feed everyone and I noticed one of the quail...
  16. crunchygranola

    Is my chicken sick?

    I don’t have the experience yet to discern a perfectly healthy chicken from a slightly lazy one, and I’m worried one of my girls is sick. She tends to stay behind in her coop when I let the rest of her flock out to free range for a while, she has been having weird, yellow, foamy poops, eating...
  17. W

    Large ISA Brown Chicken Lethargic with Blood Shot Eyes

    Hi everyone, I have a ISA brown chicken (~2 years old) that has been lethargic, sluggish, and slow recently. She has always been much larger than all the other ISA brown chickens in the flock. I let the chickens free range during the day, and she has been unable to keep up with the others who...
  18. M

    Need help figuring out duck problem

    Can anyone help me or give me some advice? My 5 year old Jumbo Pekin came out of the coop she shares with her 3 year old sister this morning unable to walk or balance herself and outstretching her wings to guide her back down to the ground to sit. She has been quacking and responsive, eating and...
  19. M


    Hi there, I'm definitely needing some help from anyone and everyone right now. I'm very concerned over my 5 year old Jumbo Pekin Cracker, as she came out of the coop this morning with her 3 year old sister and has been acting very weird. She's had a little limp for a bit now but today it seems...
  20. Layla_Chickens


    I need help ASAP. I have this 1-2 year old silkie and she has been fine until now. This morning she was her usual active self, eating, drinking everything. I came back from school and I find her isolated and in position to lay, which isn't odd since she's a hen. But she stood up and pooped this...
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