
  1. K

    Unsure what’s up with our hen…

    Hey all!! I made a post a little while back about my hen having worms. We treated for worms and she seemed to be getting better!! We did the dose each day for 5 days and then we did one more at the 14 day mark just to make sure we got everything. Worms were never present in poo. Now she is...
  2. Eggsandbeyond


    I had gotten 4, 4 week old amerecaunas from a friend. They were in a separate cage in the coop for 3 weeks but my flock was able to stick their heads in and try and peck their food. I realize now that was a mistake and will properly quarantine from here on out. However, I have a serious issue...
  3. S

    Disease going around in my flock? PLEASE HELP!

    First off, one of my chickens got sick last week. I saw her one day sitting on the floor of the run in the corner and breathing heavy. Her comb was very purple. When I picked her she has light as a feather. I brought her inside and she wasn’t eating at all or drinking any water, she wasn’t...
  4. sacredsycamorefarm

    My hen is making gurgling/gargling sounds.

    Today, I woke up, and when I went to release my goats from the barn, my chicken had been left inside the barn somehow. But something strange is that she was making gurgling/gargling sounds like she was gargling water as a human would. She is usually more skittish, but she barely moved when I...
  5. H

    Please Help!! 3 Month Old Polish Chicken Lethargic. Could This Be Coccidiosis?

    Hello everyone, this morning when I went to let out my chickens one of my young three-month-old Polish hens was lethargic, struggling/stumbling to walk, struggling to keep her head raised up, and refusing to eat or drink. Her tail is kinda in a hunched-over tuck position. She is still making...
  6. J

    Chicken doesn’t move much and there is something yellow coming out.

    Can you help me? The Chicken is not moving much, her head is moving is slowly so is her body and there is some yellow thig coming out of her, when he pooped and a red huge thing pops out then goes back(probably infection?). What should I do?
  7. J

    URI in chicken still not getting better

    Hi all, I am a new chicken keeper and one of my silkie hens got sick. We had two from our original flock killed by hawks, and so we ended up getting better security and got 2 fully feathered young chickens to add to our 2 remaining silkies. About 2 weeks after adding them, I think the stress of...
  8. B

    Sick Old Rooster :((

    Hi I'm posting again to see if anyone can help me again. The same rooster as my last thread is sick! He's breathing through his mouth, but thats his only symptom. No coughing, no boogers, no sneezing, no head shaking, and no watery eyes. And when he sings it sounds like a bantam rooster crow...
  9. K

    Inflamed cloaca and yellowish loose poop. PLEASE HELP!

    My chicken Lucy is having problems. She had a case of pasty butt a few months ago and it seems she never fully recovered. Her butt area and cloaca were always inflamed, but she pooped fine, until recently. Her poop is now yellowish and pretty loose, as if she has diarrhea. As you can see in the...
  10. S


    My sweet Ophelia was completely normal yesterday. This morning when I came into the chicken yard I noticed she had one eye that was swollen shut and the entire side of her face was very puffy. The other side also looks redder and more swollen than usual. She is eating and moving around just fine...
  11. C

    Chicken eye stuck shut

    hello I have a hen whose eye seems gunked shut. Came out of nowhere but i'm concerned it might be a respiratory thing as my rooster's nose keeps getting clogged up with black stuff, could this be related ??? I noticed a couple days ago her eye looked slightly irritated, almost a bit swollen, but...
  12. C

    Chicken eye stuck shut

    hello I have a hen whose eye seems gunked shut. Came out of nowhere but i'm concerned it might be a respiratory thing as my rooster's nose keeps getting clogged up with black stuff, could this be related ??? I noticed a couple days ago her eye looked slightly irritated, almost a bit swollen, but...
  13. nekocafe

    7 week old withdrawn, quiet, fluffed out

    My 7 week old Ayam Cemani is acting strange. She’s not energetic, foraging, not really interacting with the other chickens (however she will follow them sometimes), not eating or drinking much. She either stays in one spot and her eyes sometimes slowly close, or she walks around very slowly. Her...
  14. M

    Chickens loosing weight

    Hi all! I have a small coop what had four silkies and one olive egger in it. Today I found my olive egger dying in the coop… she was just over a year old, had never payed an egg yet, and had been consistently unwell since I got her. Wry neck, pasty butt, you name it… and she was just recently...
  15. M

    Sick chicken (with pictures)

    Hi there, I’ve got a sick hen and I have no idea what might be wrong with her. Her tail is down, she has abnormal poop (some very water and or pure liquid and some solid but grey in colour), very lethargic, she usually always runs away from me but now she just lets me grab her without trying to...
  16. agold23

    Chicken narcolepsy?

    My pullet isn’t narcoleptic but it seems like she is. Yesterday evening I noticed that she closes her eyes while out and about. She is , eating and drinking and mingling with the flock like normal but she will stand there and “drift off” with eyes closed. Her eyes are clear and look normal, I...
  17. D

    Chicken can’t Stand

    Hi guys! I’m new here. I have a sick chicken who won’t stand. She is right about a year old this month and is a White Leghorn. Around a week ago I noticed she had trouble walking, which got worse until she couldn’t walk at all and was a little lethargic. When I noticed I separated her from the...
  18. C

    Ants around chicken bum, has become sickly!!

    My Isa brown has become very sickly. Not as energetic as the others, looks sleepy, laying down and comb is dull. She now has common black ants crawling around her bum. I'm assuming this is causing her discomfort, and not making her feel any better. How do I get rid of the ants and help her back...
  19. Agam

    Chicken Not eating Food

    She’s not eating food from some day. • At night time I check her pot and it’s 1/3 filled • she try eat green grass but she eat that in small amount • She eat only boiled rice not too much • her breed is ayam cermani • Female laying hen and also Stop laying • she not able to open...
  20. Agam

    Please Help Me To Save My Chicken

    please help me. I bought two chicken male and female and put them with old flock. Bread is ayam cermani. The old don’t let the to join them. Rooster is doing good but HEN IS NOT FINE. She is not eating enough plus she is closed her one eye. And the sale men said she lay egg but there 3 day gone...
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