
  1. S

    Questions about worming.

    Discovered yesterday that my chickens have roundworms. I have Kilverm and a couple questions about using it. I am full prepared to use it as the instructions say but if possible I would rather directly dose each chicken. I don't really want to have to keep them all contained to their pens (so...
  2. Trouble in Parasites: Natural Wormers

    Trouble in Parasites: Natural Wormers

    Introduction Having a healthy flock is a priority of poultry owners everywhere, whether the birds are pets, livestock, or somewhere in between; we all want happy and robust birds. There's no one-size-fits-all method of chicken keeping but basic rules that can be customized to your particular...
  3. T

    Ivermectin - Egg Withdrawl?

    I’m curious…with all the attention ivermectin has gained over “the” virus…and now I personally know multiple people taking it as a supplement… Do you really think egg withdrawal is necessary when worming chickens with ivermectin? I’ve read a couple different suggestions, an egg withdrawal time...
  4. S


    Hi how often is it recommended and safe to worm a cockerel, he was abandoned so I have no idea how long it was since he was last wormed so I’m not sure if to do it or to wait, any advice would be brilliant thank you
  5. LindiePindie


    Several months ago I had a pullet (Olive) that started gaping followed by head shaking. She does it quite often. I took a video and showed it to the vet. Fecal float was negative but she suspected it was gapeworm and sent me home with Safeguard (Fenbendazole) 10% with instructions to dose the...
  6. Stephoney

    Can I treat scaly leg mites with ivermectin while also worming with valbazen?

    I found what I think were roundworms in a poop on my deck and started treating my flock with Valbazen 10 days ago. I just gave them a second dose today and noticed that a few of my hens look like they may have scaly leg mites. Sheesh! I’ve treated it before successfully with Ivermectin pour on...
  7. P

    Deworming chicken routine?

    Hello, I have a healthy flock of 10 chickens that free range for half the day every day, we are located in central Florida where it’s hot and humid. Is a deworming routine necessary? I kept reading that maybe twice a year it should be done but I’m not sure if it’s necessary if I don’t see...
  8. maryn7

    Triple Checking Safe Guard Worming Dosage

    I've got one girl coming out of molt and she's lost a lot of weight. It's likely just the molt, but figured I'd worm both my girls anyway just as a precaution. I got the 125ml bottle of liquid Safe Guard, and I've seen the dosage instructions at 0.23ml (~1/4ml) per pound of bird (for 5 days or...
  9. 3

    Capillaria Treatment

    Hi everyone. Quick question regarding treatment of Capillaria with Safeguard paste. I know it is .23ml/lb for 5 days. My question is should treatment be repeated after 10 days, and if so, would it be for another 5 days or just 1 day?
  10. Clappmeg

    Deworming: Uses for withdrawal eggs?

    Hi all, I've just dewormed my flock of silkies with safegaurd. I understand there is a 14 day withdrawal period (which will turn into about a month after the second application in 10 days). I'm looking for some uses for the eggs that are laid during this time. Can I scramble them and feed them...
  11. N

    Silkie chicken with gapeworm ???

    Hey everyone! I have 3 lovely 1 year old bantam silkie chickens and have noticed that one (my lovely Repecka) has lost a significant amount of weight, has lost her soft fluffy appearance and rather, her feathers/fur looks matted and feels rough no matter how many times I bathe her. She is also...
  12. Qquails899

    Quail drinking a lot of water

    I just dewormed my quails and now one of them is acting very weird. She is more active than before, but she drinks a lot of water and her droppings are very watery. I also saw water coming out of her beak a few times. She has been like this for like 5 days and I don't know what to do. Please help!
  13. O

    Ivermectin wait time after Valbazen?

    Question #1: If I have given my chickens Valbazen, should I follow up with Ivermectin? Question #2: If yes, how long should I wait after giving the first dose (or, second dose?) of Valbazen before giving the Ivermectin? (I have two girls, one looks healthy/normal and the other had a dumpy...
  14. Hannahruepepsie

    Eating my ducks eggs?!

    one of my ducks has recently just started laying eggs. However for a while they were indoors and are now outside and so have not wormed them yet! I was just wondering if it is still safe to eat the eggs if my duck has not been wormed yet or should I wait until after they have been wormed? I have...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    Alternative and Natural Wormer's...

    Hello and good morning fellow BYCer's! :frow This thread is focused on those who use alternative worming methods such as DE, pumpkin seeds, herbs, red pepper flakes, ACV, etc AND are willing to put up before and after fecal float with species and load count numbers to help stop the arguing as...
  16. RoosterML

    Homemade Worming Treatment! (Maybe?)

    With fall time upon us which brings with it Pumpkin Season I figure I would use it to test Pumpkin seeds worming effectiveness. Several days ago we carved pumpkins with the kids so I saved as many seeds as I could. I then put them on 2-9x13 cookies sheets to dry out in the sun. I put them in the...
  17. chickensuz

    Very thin hen

    Hi All. We have a 1 year old crested cream legbar hen named Flora. Flora started laying at 24 weeks and was laying beautiful large blue eggs. Suddenly, she started to be listless for a few days each week and we realized she was laying internally. Sometimes she would lay an egg but usually she...
  18. Aussie-Chookmum

    Red stuff in poo in 12 week old pullet

    I have four hens and added a Easter egger pullet to my flock, from the same breeder the rest of my girls come from, two and a half weeks ago. Four or five days after getting her she had red in her droppings but otherwise seemed OK. I spoke to my "Chicken guy" who thought she may have picked up...
  19. Citychickengal

    Wormed with safeguard but didn’t repeat the dose, should I worm again?

    Hello all, I recently wormed my chickens with safeguard equine paste, just did an approximate “pea” sized dose. They had visible roundworms in their droppings, which is why I wormed in the first place. However I’m reading in a few places that I should have repeated the dose two weeks after I...
  20. WildCHILD400

    Edible eggs?

    I am worming my backyard flock just for worm prevention because ive never wormed them before. I don't think they have worms but recently had a chick that did and want to be safe. With the wormer can I eat their eggs?
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