šŒššš«šœš” 2š¤22 ~ Flo's Hatch-A-Long ~

Well The Man and I each have suggestions but our feelings won't be hurt if they go in the Reject pile; we are both a couple of weirdos. His is Brood-Hilde. Mine is BrickelSpritz. :lau If you were looking for Henny Penny or JuneBug, you asked the wrong folks!
Ifā€™n they are not chosenā€¦. I sure like them & may yet use them regardless.
View attachment 2991914
She currently has 8 eggs under her: one of them is a blue egg from my cochin/easter egger hen, one of them is from my buff cochin mix, one is from my buff orpington hen, and the rest are unknown; a mix of bantam and standard eggs.
Pan-Zilla-Cake. (Meh, needs refinement)

Crepe-Zilla (crepeā€™s just a smaller pancake in my mind) and well, these Broody-luscious hens are quite the pancake when they get on the nest!
I cannot explain about names. Often an animal will just tell me what its name is. I have had experiences when I rescued a stray/ lost animal, called it by the first name that came to me, and when I found its owner, discovered that was its name! Another time, a Cocker spaniel that I later learned had been shot and left for dead in the local dump came into my possession. He had some tan freckles on his face. I said, I bet some fool named you Freckles, didn't they? and he turned his face away from me as if ashamed. Don't worry, I said, how about if I call you Dusty? He immediately jumped up in my lap, stubby tail wagging, and covered my face with kisses. So Dusty he became. Dustifer Bones the First. (And only, as he was neutered!)
Pan-Zilla-Cake. (Meh, needs refinement)

Crepe-Zilla (crepeā€™s just a smaller pancake in my mind) and well, these Broody-luscious hens are quite the pancake when they get on the nest!
LOL. My sister works at a Creperie. Maybe I'll call the hen "Crepes".

I'll make a poll after I get a few more name suggestions!
I cannot explain about names. Often an animal will just tell me what its name is. I have had experiences when I rescued a stray/ lost animal, called it by the first name that came to me, and when I found its owner, discovered that was its name! Another time, a Cocker spaniel that I later learned had been shot and left for dead in the local dump came into my possession. He had some tan freckles on his face. I said, I bet some fool named you Freckles, didn't they? and he turned his face away from me as if ashamed. Don't worry, I said, how about if I call you Dusty? He immediately jumped up in my lap, stubby tail wagging, and covered my face with kisses. So Dusty he became. Dustifer Bones the First. (And only, as he was neutered!)
Dustifer Bones the First is a damn fine name. He must have been so proud!

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