After treating chickens with Corid, still sick & dying?? Please help!


5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
I did a 5 day round on all of my chickens after I noticed chickens acting lethargic, having diarrhea, and suddenly dying. Total, I've had 3 die. Two before I figured out what is was, and one today (the 5 day was completed Saturday). The one that was found dead this morning in coop was just laying on coop floor, no signs of any injury, it was acting fine yesterday! Also, another young pullet is still having diarrhea and acting funny, I watched it sit down and it took longer than usual & it is walking slow around the yard like the other sicks ones were.

I used Corid 20% powder, 1.5 tsp in gallon of water for 5 days.

I have about 40 birds total in two different pens. It is only my younger ones (4 months and younger) that have died or acted sick.
They were treated for worms with Strike III pellets about a month ago. Should I treat for worms again?

I have had SO much trouble with chickens it is not even funny. I have a thread posted about that but my main focus for this post is to figure out what is going on! Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
So what do you think it could be? Should I start Corid treatment back up again or would that be too hard on them? Do you think it is still coccidiosis or something else? I really appreciate you taking the time to help! I am so lost
First, I'd like to recommend sending a bird for a necropsy. There's directions at the bottom of my posts. How old are the ones that are dying? What is strike 111 wormer?

Okay so I read that they are under 4 months. I might treat for enteritis, which is like cocci. Only Corid won't work on it. I would try Sulfadimethoxine and Tylan (or Amoxicillin) 1 tsp each per 1 gallon for 5-7 days. That will cover most common ailments, cocci , bacteria.

Also, check your feed for mold.

The most recommended wormer is Valbazen, 1/2 ml per chicken , 2 doses 10 days apart.
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