Araucana Chick vent question


Aug 1, 2020
I've got this one Araucana chick (2 weeks old) who has a distended cloaca. She poops kind of caramel brown loose stools, but her vent is often mucked up with dark reddish brown sticky poop and I've had to clean it several times to stop her getting pasty butt. The vent protrudes a bit.

The whole flock of chicks is on medicated chick feed, and she is the only one with this vent/poop issue. I can't see how it could be coccidiosis?

Also, I can't separate and treat her as she is broody raised.

She is also a massive whinger. Cries all the time like she is cold (is that an Araucana thing?). She eats and drinks fine. Mama hen is an excellent mother.


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I would just put some probiotics in their water, and make sure she is not getting constipated. Straining can cause a prolapse, and chilled coconut oil may be offered in case she gets constipated. It won’t hurt the others to give it occasionally. This chick may just have something wrong with it to cause her problems. Hopefully, this will work itself out. What are your temperatures like there?
Good call on the probiotics. It won't interfere with the medicated feed will it? Or is that vitamins that do that? I can't remember.

I will try the coconut oil too if I can find some. Thanks.

This chick is growing slower than her siblings, so something isn't right.
No probiotics won’t interfere with medicated feed. Does your medicated feed contain amprollium? If you feel like treating for possible coccidiosis, you could get some Harkers Coxoid and treat according to the label. When using Coxoid or concentrated amprollium, it is good to avoid giving extra thiamine (vitamin B 1.)
It's just called ACS here, which stands for anticoccidiostat. It's to deter cocci by creating a hostile gut environment, rather than actually treating an infestation, so the bird builds up their own immunity as they grow.

I cannot find whether it is amprolium or not.
There are a number of coccidiostats used in different countries. The labels should say which ones. Monensin is one used in Europe that is actually an antibiotic.
Any drugs have to be named clearly on the packaging here in Europe, and it just says coccidiostat (so do all the feed manufacturer websites), so I think it must be a natural supplement rather than a drug. It won't therefore be an antibiotic.

It's really annoying that they don't specify.
The chick is running around being a chick today as usual and also still crying a lot. If it was coccidiosis, I reckon she would have perished by now?

She has been the same, with the sticky vent and dark droppings/wet brown ones since I got her at 3 days old, 2 weeks ago.
Any drugs have to be named clearly on the packaging here in Europe, and it just says coccidiostat (so do all the feed manufacturer websites), so I think it must be a natural supplement rather than a drug. It won't therefore be an antibiotic.

It's really annoying that they don't specify.
chick grit all day long ,she don't looked like she formed properly yet like runt of litter.are you giving her chick grit all day ,just left in tub ?

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