Are both my liege fighters female??


Jan 25, 2021
Griffith, Ontario
Hi! So I have these two liege fighters that I hatched this spring (April 27) they are both now about 4 months old. We hatched 4 other chicks along with them (different breeds) and so far have only one who I am quite positive is a rooster. I’m pretty excited that it seems I got 5/6 in my hatch to be hens 😄😄 but the ones I am least certain about their gender are my two liege fighters, I’ve attached some pictures and hoping someone might be able to help me guess!! From what I see they look more female to me than male because they don’t have any of those long pointed saddle or neck feathers and also aren’t huge compared to my other chickens at all and I am expecting a liege fighter rooster to be really big. But one of them especially (the one I labeled number 1 in the pictures) I’m wondering more about because he/she has a different coloured neck and is slightly taller than the other one so maybe he will be a rooster? Does anyone know if liege fighters are generally a bit slower to develop than other breeds? Because my other rooster (a silver barnevelder) is very rooster-ish by now haha and he is the exact same age as them which is what has confused me. It’s hard to find info on liege fighters so if anyone has experience with them let me know!! Thanks!


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Great looking Liege Fighters, yours were as old as my Black Jersey Giant pullets are now, (also a large bird) and I have read slow to mature too, not sure for LF however.

How are they now?
Hey! They’re great, they’re one of my favourite breeds so far they have such a funny personality haha!

I would say slow to mature although I’m new to chickens in general so don’t have much to compare to. But neither of my liege pullets have started laying yet at 8months old so I think that’s a bit slow? Although, my whole flock seems to be slow lol. My silver pencilled Plymouth Rock was the first to start laying at 7 months and my Appenzeller spitzhauben just started a week ago. Still waiting for my lieges and my barnevelder!

Also just googled jerseys giants they’re huge! That’s awesome 🤩 have yours started to lay yet?
Hey! They’re great, they’re one of my favourite breeds so far they have such a funny personality haha!

I would say slow to mature although I’m new to chickens in general so don’t have much to compare to. But neither of my liege pullets have started laying yet at 8months old so I think that’s a bit slow? Although, my whole flock seems to be slow lol. My silver pencilled Plymouth Rock was the first to start laying at 7 months and my Appenzeller spitzhauben just started a week ago. Still waiting for my lieges and my barnevelder!

Also just googled jerseys giants they’re huge! That’s awesome 🤩 have yours started to lay yet?

I wanted to get Liege hens at first. I am inspired now! yours might start laying anytime unless they are like my Jersey girls... then probably take about 2 years to mature, at least fill out for meat production, but mine are just for eggs. Good question I never asked :)

No they haven't started to lay yet. I'm going to switch them over to layer feed next month since I have it. Hey have you heard of the Bruges Fighter? Just saw this
I wanted to get Liege hens at first. I am inspired now! yours might start laying anytime unless they are like my Jersey girls... then probably take about 2 years to mature, at least fill out for meat production, but mine are just for eggs. Good question I never asked :)

No they haven't started to lay yet. I'm going to switch them over to layer feed next month since I have it. Hey have you heard of the Bruges Fighter? Just saw this
No I hadn’t heard of the Bruges fighter before! That looks so cool 🤩 if I wasn’t in Canada I would probably try to order one from them haha.

And wow okay, I didn’t realize some chickens take 2 years to fully mature! Maybe the liege hens will be like that then 🤷‍♀️ I’ve tried to look it up but there’s so little information on liege fighters so I guess it’ll just have to be a surprise 😁

But yeah I would recommend them! They are smart and curious and have a little bit of attitude haha they remind me of cats.

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