Are my peachicks split for white? PICS!!


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey I just had 3 peachicks hatch a few hours ago. 2 of them have like 1 or 2 white feathers on their wings. Does this mean they are split white? The relative I got the eggs from used to have white peafowl mixed in with his blues but sold all of his whites and now just has blues.

Oh and the peachicks are india blues. Here are a couple of pics...


It look like they are split to white, when they had Blue and White running together did they hatch chicks and keep them? and did these chicks come from that off spring? if so then they are for sure splits.
If he got ride of the whites before the season those chicks hatched such as if they hatched this year which im guessing they were and he got ride of the whites last year, then they should not have any relation to the whites he got ride of (unless he has their offspring which could be breeding in there.) But the are definately splits. So if he got ride of the whites a reasonable amount of time before breeding season the the way they could be split is that their parents could be splits, which is what i would put the money on
. Last thing i just want to point out is that the white flights do mean they are split but don't mean they are split white, they could also be split pied. So what im saying is the parent could be split pied or split white, virtually no way to know if you can't get background on the parents.

Heres a pic of a split white on the left and a spit pied on the right, and the only way to tell if its split pied of split white is by knowing the genes of the parents like the split white is out of a blue male and a split white hen. Then split pied is out of a 15/16 blood spalding male and a 7/8 blood spalding pied hen.

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The white flight feather being white means they are split white. A bird split pied could have white flight if he is carring a white gene too. When breeding blues to white all offspring will have white flight breeding blues to pied the offspring that has whites flights are split white and pied the ones that don't have white flights are split pied only.
Yay!! I hope the 2 split white chicks are male/female!! (I couldn't be that lucky though...) I absolutely love white peafowl

ETA: and i love pied peafowl, if that is what they are split for
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Genetic :
Split pied = one gene Pied.
Split White = one gene White.
Dark Pied = two genes Pied .
Phenotype :
Same looking birds !
The original poster stated that they got their eggs from a flock of blue and that all the whites had been sold off, there was no mention of pieds at all don't know why they would be called dark pieds by peacockman mabe he know something they do not .

Also every dark pied i have here has more than just white flight feathers there is sometimes white under the wings, tail and sometimes moltin feet and white on the neck, none have just white flight feathers just sayen
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