Baby Chick died, Other one is alone :(

Teh Epic Pingu

Jun 7, 2015

I bought 2 little chicks June 5, 2015. 3 days later, Today i find one is up ready to start the day the other is Just lying there i was praying that it wasn't true but unfortunately it was i was crying, i still am as i type this i felt so Bad and sad I wasn't there to help it before it died. But now i feel bad for my other chick it was crying once it realized his mate was now in another place. My Question now is Should i get new chicks so my little one doesn't get lonely or should i just raise it by itself? Please give me a good answer I'm still here sad.
I am so sorry for the loss of your chick. No matter how little time they have with us, they still wrap themselves around our heartstrings. Yes, Chickens are flock creatures. Get 2 or 3 more chicks. A close in age as you can and no more than 7 days older than your chick. In the meantime, go to your feed store or tractor Supply and buy a bottle of Bovidr Labs Poultry or Goat Nutri-Drench. It's wonderful stuff. been using it on my collies and poultry for over a decade. A wonderful emergency nutritional supplement. I raise all my chicks on it. Give each chick one drop by mouth. ( repeat as necessary every 8-10 hours). Put 2 ml per gallon in their drinking water for the 1st 2 weeks to get them off to a strong start. I raised 42 healthy Light Sussex on the Goat formula last season. Tho the Bovidr Labs formulas are species-specific, they also meet the scientific standards for a universal formula. They do not need to be digested. mainline directly into the bloodstream, measureable in 30 minutes with 99% utilization. all natural. I make my formula the color of very weak tea. Whichever formula you choose , just sue the Poultry formula instructions above.
Your other chick may have died of travel stress. It happens this season with so many shipped chicks.
Also sprinkle a bit of chick grit in their feed. Just a bit. I several days once they have learned to figure out feed from grit, you can put a bit in a small dish for them to choose as they wish. They need the grit it exercise their developing gizzard so it will grow strong and healthy.
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 I am so sorry for the loss of your chick. No matter how little time they have with us, they still wrap themselves around our heartstrings. Yes, Chickens are flock creatures. Get 2 or 3 more chicks.  A close in age as you can and no more than 7 days older than your chick. In the meantime, go to your feed store or tractor Supply and buy a bottle of Bovidr Labs Poultry or Goat Nutri-Drench. It's wonderful stuff. been using it on my collies and poultry for over a decade. A wonderful emergency  nutritional supplement. I raise all my chicks on it. Give each chick one drop by mouth. ( repeat as necessary every 8-10 hours). Put 2 ml per gallon in their drinking water for the 1st 2 weeks to get them off to a strong start. I raised 42 healthy Light Sussex on the Goat formula last season. Tho the Bovidr Labs formulas are species-specific, they also meet the scientific standards for a universal formula. They do not need to be digested. mainline directly into the bloodstream, measureable in 30 minutes with 99% utilization. all natural.  I make my formula the color of very weak tea.  Whichever formula you choose , just sue the Poultry formula instructions above.
 Your other chick may have died of travel stress.  It happens this season with so many shipped chicks.
 Also sprinkle a bit of chick grit in their feed. Just a bit. I several days once they have learned to figure out feed from grit, you can put a bit in a small dish for them to choose as they wish.  They need the grit it exercise their developing gizzard so it will grow strong and healthy.
They didn't get shipped actually I got them from a farm, and thank you for the info i'll try to go back to the farm and maybe get a few more. I buried the Dead one so hopefully she is in Heaven Right Now RIP
What i found really strange though is that the first couple of days i had her and her Sibling she was more energetic than the other one.....
I am sorry for your loss. Best success with your new chicks. I know the lonely one will appreciate the company.
Were you checking for pasty butt? If the vent gets clogged with fecal matter, the chick gets constipated and can die pretty quickly.

I lost a chick a month ago during its first week, so I can sympathize with you. It just rips your heart out losing one. Mine died from failure to thrive. It fought to stay alive but its body couldn't manage it and it simply never grew.

By all means, get a couple more chicks. You can safely put chicks together that are under a month old with very little problem, but the closer in age they are, the better.
If you Think the one sleeping is the Dead one it isn't this is the first picture i ever took of them and the One standing up is the one that died.

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