Best way to attach lattice to a block wall *Pics now added*

Wise Woman

12 Years
Apr 12, 2011
My Cottage
Our home has a block wall on 3 sides. Unfortunately, they did not make it the same height all the way around. It is 6 ft high in the back and then gradually goes down in steps to 4 ft. The previous owners attached 2 x 4s to the wall and then attached the lattice to the 2 x 4s. It looked ok, but very homemade and unfinished. It was falling apart so we just removed all of it and figured we would start fresh. We are going to have a coop/run that is 28 ft long sitting in front of this wall so we would like to get this section done first as the coop will be very close to this wall and doing it after the fact won't be an option.

We want the lattice to extend the wall to be 8 ft high the whole way around and I would also like it to look finished. Are there any better ways to do this then what the previous owners did? Could it be trimmed out on the top somehow so it looks nicer? The wall has been power washed and I will be paining it within the next few days and then we will be ready to start on the lattice. I would like to have a plan of action ready to go. Any suggestions from you handy carpenter types?
You can fasten the lattice directly to the blocks with screws. You would have to drill ,, then install lag shields, or nylon screw anchors or even wood dowels. Then attach lattice with screws. TIME CONSUMING but a clean looking installation. Trim top to give it a finished look. If you posted pix of wall then maybe others would have ideas other than lattice ??? Also state your desired budget..
Thank you cavemanrich. I can't seem to find a picture of the wall anywhere. I can take one, but I have a new camera and I am not too good at getting the pics from the camera to the computer yet. It is just a basic cinder block wall. I will see if I can manage to get a picture on here somehow.
I'd be careful attaching anything to a concrete/cinderblock wall, it's easy to fracture it reducing it's life and looks.
Consult with someone who has experience and research options until you are sure you have the best technique/hardware.
I found some pictures! This is how it was when we bought the house. Such a mess.

As you can see the previous owners attached 2 x 4s to the wall so there are holes and anchors already drilled all over these walls. The shed in this picture has been removed and the coop will be going down in that area, which you cannot see in this picture.

Anyway, our neighbor, who is a stone mason has come over and checked the wall and he sees nothing wrong with putting the lattice up with the 2 x 4s, but it doesn't look all that great. I was just wondering if there wasn't a better way. I want it to look nice for us and for the neighbor next door. Thanks so much.
I found some pictures! This is how it was when we bought the house. Such a mess.

As you can see the previous owners attached 2 x 4s to the wall so there are holes and anchors already drilled all over these walls. The shed in this picture has been removed and the coop will be going down in that area, which you cannot see in this picture.

Anyway, our neighbor, who is a stone mason has come over and checked the wall and he sees nothing wrong with putting the lattice up with the 2 x 4s, but it doesn't look all that great. I was just wondering if there wasn't a better way. I want it to look nice for us and for the neighbor next door. Thanks so much.
There ya go!!
A resident expert!
He can recommend what kind of fastener to use.

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