Bird Flu in Dairy Cattle

Yes but 40 cats on the farm died if it. They also found dead pigeons and other ‘peridomestic’ birds that were infected.

Infected cows now in 7 states.

H5N1 has a 50% mortality rate in humans. Yikes.

What precautions are chicken lovers using to keep safe?
This is from the CDC page.


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The advised precautions are basic bio-security!
1. do not free range your birds
2. keep their run covered with something impermeable, like a tarp
3. Have dedicated shoes that you only wear in the coop/run. Keep them in the coop/run and change shoes at the threshold every time.
4. Keep the wild birds out of your run
5. Keep outsiders out of your run and coop. If they must come in, then they need dedicated shoes as well.
6. Always wear a mask when you clean your coop and run. The dust from dried chicken droppings can cause potentially fatal diseases in humans besides the h5n1 virus.

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