Brahma or serama cockerel? Help me decide which one



Chasing broodies
Premium Feather Member
Jan 12, 2023
Attica Greece
Here's what's been going on. My loner male needed some company, but because he's a big boi, none of my hens were fit for the job. I got two mature brahma hens from an acquaintance, and I was supposed to get one serama cockerel and three serama pullets in two weeks. After having the brahma hens for almost 4 days, I've fallen completely in love with the breed. I'm seriously thinking of getting one less serama pullet and a brahma cockerel instead of the serama (the other two pullets I'm getting anyway for my mix breed bantams flock). The issue at hand is this. Neighbors really hate the crowing. My big boi is staying because I love him. That means that I can't have another LF rooster over the summer (this might be weird to some, but all the houses around with a few exceptions are summer houses that don't have anyone staying over the winter, and the ones that do, are completelyfine with the crowing). So, the problem is that brahma are slow maturing, and I won't have a lot of time to see how the males develop. I also fear that I'm being biased here, as I haven't experienced seramas first hand, but I'm really loving the brahmas. There's also another problem. Big birds=more space, and I don't have too much of that left. All in all, I'd really love some input from people who have kept either breeds, and more specifically, have bred them, as that is my intention
Instead of getting a second cockerel, which your existing male is unlikely to appreciate and your neighbors definitely won't appreciate, why not get more brahma females?

My existing male doesn't have to appreciate him because they'll be in a totally separate pen. And you can't really do a breeding program with females only
Is your big guy a Brahma also? I’m my experience, Brahmas need a very low roost. My girl was BIG and had trouble jumping the 2 feet to the bar. Most people I know with Brahma roos say they are good boys, so fingers crossed yours will be also!

Yes. All coops the brahma will be in (both grow outs and mature birds) have really accessible roosts. Either super low ones, or ones with ladders
Well, like you said you could always just get a few less of the Serama. Napoleon the Second would have a bunch of girls to himself anyhow.

Will you be giving Big Red any females from the Brahma or just letting him live a bachelor life?

Big Red will keep living with Efi and Gogo until Christmas, or some time during the winter. The brahma cockerel (if that's what I end up getting) will be placed with the Tsouloufati until then because they'll teach him proper manners. Then I'll put all the brahma together for breeding season, and Big Red will be placed with either one of his daughters, or the Tsouloufati. I'm a little confused about the first part (sorry I have a migraine right now). I don't know if I'll ever have another male in with the Disney flock. Or at least not for breeding. I've yet to make a decision on what to do eith the seramas on the off-season. Probably put the grow outs with the Disney flock, or have the cull females
Is your big guy a Brahma also? I’m my experience, Brahmas need a very low roost. My girl was BIG and had trouble jumping the 2 feet to the bar. Most people I know with Brahma roos say they are good boys, so fingers crossed yours will be also!

Oh sorry I just realised I never answered the first part of the question. No, my big guy isn't a brahma. He's an aseel, and more specifically a half bengum half shamo mix, most likely
I'm a little confused about the first part (sorry I have a migraine right now). I don't know if I'll ever have another male in with the Disney flock. Or at least not for breeding. I've yet to make a decision on what to do eith the seramas on the off-season. Probably put the grow outs with the Disney flock, or have the cull females
I'm seriously thinking of getting one less serama pullet and a brahma cockerel instead of the serama (the other two pullets I'm getting anyway for my mix breed bantams flock).
Okay, I see where MY confusion came in, and I can't blame it on a migraine...

I thought you meant the one less pullet would be replaced by the Brahma cockerel, not that you were replacing the Serama cockerel with a Brahma.

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