Breeds of small duck for pet? :)


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
I'm thinking about getting another duck, but a smaller one so I can just have it as a pet. I'd get it as a duckling and hand raise it, too.
Breeds, personalities, pics, experiences would be appreciated.
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I only got ducks this summer so you should totally listen to the super experienced duck people on this website and not neccessarily me. HOWEVER, I got me three calls who are the littlest most wonderful angels. They are mutts, we'd be laughed out of every duck show goin but I think they're beautiful!

Rory and the husband:


Doogie and the husband:


My dad meetin them for the first time. They liked him...wonder PEEEEEAAAAAASSS!


Although if you got rotten neighbours then maybe this not the best breed. They are LOUD. They WAKK when they're happy or when they're mad or when they want somethin or when they hear you or when they need room service or when they just generally think now would be a good time to WAAKKK. Lol. Luckily my wonderful neighbours think they sound like they laughin.
Oh they are GORGEOUS!!! Call ducks are deffinitely on my list. I have scovies so I am used to no noise lol so its gonna be a change. They are perfect size. Thanks heaps for the pics
You're welcome. I'm jus goin out now to let them out the run. They like to mooch round the garden. When it's warm I sit out with them and they climb up into my lap. They are just fab, mind you, you can't take your eye off your cup of tea for a second without them sticking their beaks into it. Sometimes I don't see them doing it, I just notice grass floating in it and them waddlin off guiltily. heheheh.
Those are some cute Calls, priss! I love the bantam breeds. Mine tend to be more friendly than most of my large ducks. My Mini Appleyards especially do just what your Calls do, priss. They are the closest thing to "lap ducks" I have ever had. They will climb right into your lap looking for attention (or food, lol). I am not sure what small breeds you have in Australia, but in addition to the Appleyards (Silver bantams), my Australian Spotteds are also great as can be Mallards if any of those are available there. If noise is a factor at all, any of these might be good choices. I don't breed Calls so I don't have much to compare my bantams to in that regard, but mine are very quiet, much quieter than my full size ducks.
Oo appleyards seem like a good choice too, thanks. I'm pretty sure I can get almost anything here (I hope!)
I heard smaller breeds make better one on one pets.
Love some pics

Oh and out of curiousity are Call ducks and Mini appleyards flying ducks? My scovies are so I had to trim their wings when I had them in town.
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I hear call ducks are great fliers. Mine have clipped wings, poor little things, but they'd be diggin up the neighbour's garden's if they didn't lol.
lol I let my scovies out everyday and after they've finished filling their tummies on all the grasshoppers they start running and flapping. Its funny to watch but I feel sorry for them because they never get air
Australian spotted ducks are pretty.. I don't have them yet but I love them... you can get them from holderreads or I think several people on here have them..
The bantam breeds will definitely fly! Mine seldom seem to go far, but they can indeed fly quite well. My Australian Spotteds tend to be the best flyers. I have had even very young birds take off in flight (they always have come back quickly though). I keep all of them in covered runs, in part, to avoid having them take off.

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