Button quail eggs not hatching...any insight?


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2023
Hey everyone! New to this community and posting for the first time. Hoping some there are some button quail peeps out there that might be able to give us some insight as to possibilities why our quail eggs are not hatching and if there is still hope? We are on day 19 of being in the incubator and no movement or inkling of hatching. Here's some background:

  • We ordered a dozen button quail eggs (plus 2 for good measure) from a farmer in NY (we live in Delaware) and received them on March 7th.
  • We let them sit for a day and then placed them in the incubator at 99.2 temp w/ about 45% humidity.
  • On Day 1 (March 8th) we started turning them manually 3-4 times a day.
  • On day 6 (March 13) we candled them and saw some development in 8 of the eggs (saw some veins and a small spot), 2 were cracked, 4 eggs were "maybes"
  • On Day 12 (March 19) we candled again found another cracked egg, but the 8 "good eggs" looked mostly dark and our thought was all have continued to develop (yeah)
  • Day 16 (March 23) we stopped turning the eggs to assist with further development and upcoming hatching and added water to up the humidity
  • Day 18 (March 25) we were hopeful to see some possible pips but nothing ::sigh:
  • Day 19 (March 26) still no pips or sightings of movement
So not sure if something happened from the last time we candled on Day 12 or if we are just being impatient. Is there still hope? Temp has stayed the same and we added water to assist with humidity and potential hatching starting on Day 16. Anyone have button quail hatch later than 18 days? We were excited to have the possibilty of over a 50% hatch rate (8 out of 14), but my daughter is losing hope. Any ideas?

The incubator is a Little Giant 9300- still air, both red airflow caps are removed to allow airflow.

Thanks a bunch!!
Jamie & Brinley in Delaware
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March 8th is the day you set the eggs, correct? And you're counting that as day 1? Technically, day 1 starts 24 hours after you first set the eggs. That means that March 8th would be considered day 0, and March 9th day 1, making today only day 18. I believe I've read that buttons can take 22 days to hatch, so you're still within the parameters or not having to worrying yet.

Do you have a separate calibrated thermometer and hygrometer? The built in readers are usually off, so it's possible that your incubator was running a few degrees cooler than recommended, causing the babies to develop a little slower.

Contrary to what you might've read, it is safe to open the incubator and candle eggs after lockdown. When you candle eggs in lockdown, handle them carefully and make sure you place the egg facing the same way you grabbed it, so you don't confuse the chicks pipping position. Keep the session short and make sure the 'bator is stable afterwards.

Keep us updated, hopefully you start seeing some pips soon!
Thank you for all of that great info. & for the hope you gave my daughter!! When arrived home today, we found 3 babies with a 4th on its way...we still have potential 7 eggs to hatch.

Good to know that day 0 should be when we set the eggs, so updated count, today is Day 19.

Stay tuned and thanks so much!
Jamie & Brinley

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