Can a chicken swallow its own tongue? Help??? -PICTURES ADDED-

Thank you, Ruth, for your helpful reply. I took some pictures, although I don't know if they're clear enough for you to see what I'm talking about. From what I can tell, her tongue is rolled back into her throat. In the second picture the pointed tip of her tongue is showing. I tried to manipulate it from underneath her chin, but it just rolls right back down there. I took other pictures to show that her eyes are clear and to me it looks like her nostrils are ok as well. When I first separated her from the others, she was banging into the chicken wire that separated her from her coop mates, and it caused her comb to bleed at the base in the front. All of my chickens had fowl pox back in August and their combs still don't look very good.





My brother-in-law said I needed to get her warmed up since she's not moving around at all, and the temps in the coop are ranging from the 30's to the 40's. There wasn't an easy way to get a heat lamp on her due to the fact that her little "cage" is under the roost and I thought it would be too close to her without enough room for her to move away. Plus, I don't know if she would even realize she was getting too warm. I thought it would be less stressful for her if she could still see the other chickens, but since I can't really get her warmed up out there, I brought her inside and she's in the laundry room in a dog crate. I attached a heating pad to one side and have a space heater on in there, since we keep our house around 65-67 degrees. Is this enough warmth, or should I also put a heat lamp in there? Thanks so much for any advice you may have. I don't see how she'll be able to start eating with her tongue this way. I put some scrambled eggs out for her, and she looked interested, but didn't try to eat them. I also haven't seen her drink anything on her own. She did poop earlier today, and I took a sample to our vet. The poop looked like it usually does, maybe a little more green. Thanks again for any help!!!
Hi, my rooster facing exactly the same his tongue, have got any advise after this? We lease help him as he couldn’t eat anything since yesterday
Do you have a picture of the inside of his beak? How long has this been a problem? Can you see a string or hair wrapped around his tongue, that he may have swallowed?
I have a chick with same problem but I noticed that the night before she was pulling a string that comes with feed bag. I suspect the string either is pulling her tongue down or the string injured or cut something inside that made her tongue loose it’s place. I have tried to pull it out with no succes I don’t think my chick will make it.

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