Can I feed new baby chicks apples?


9 Years
Oct 24, 2010
I just got two new baby chicks last night. The are probably 2-3 days old and are eating their feed well. Can I give them apples are anything supplemental yet? I didn't know if they would get diarrhea from apples. Thanks!
I usually wait until my chicks are at least 6 weeks old before I start giving treats. And yes, fruit of any kind can cause diarrhea.
You can give them a scrambled egg with 1/2 teaspoon of plain yogurt mixed in.
Scramble the egg and once the egg is done then mix the 1/2 teaspoon of plain yogurt in.
serve and watch them race to gobble it up!

The egg is soft enough for baby chicks and gives them a protein/energy boost.
The plain yogurt offers good bacteria to help them develop healthy tummies. (Note: chickens are lactose intolerant therefore a small amount is only recommended.)

It will be a while before the chicks are at the age to handle solid food types.

Also, another treat is put some fresh sand (we use river sand) on a large coffee can lid and let them check it out. This gives the chicks stimulation and they really seem to enjoy it. My dad has been doing this treat about every other day since the chicks turned a week old.

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