Can Khaki Campbell ducks have a white ring around their neck? 1 week old


Jul 4, 2023
Pahrump, NV
I bought 5 "assorted ducks" from the bin at TSC. I believe they are Khaki Campbells. The other ducks in the bin appeared to be Mallards or Rouen but I'm a newbie just now learning about ducks and chickens. I have had my ducks for 6 days and they have already more than doubled in size! I notice that today one of the five now has a white ring forming around its neck. They all appear to have lightening of the downy feathers at the corners of their bills, but it's so minor I only notice it in bright sunlight. I am now wondering if these are Cayuga ducklings instead of KC, or perhaps something different? They like to hop up on top of the brooder plate.

I didn't anticipate them growing so darn quickly and I must now move them to a bigger brooder/pen area. I'm working on that today. Here are some photos I just took today. The duck with the lightest "bean" is the one I notice the white ring forming around its neck. For several days now I've felt like it is a drake even though they are so young. I don't know how long they were at TSC before I picked them up. I do know that I was there one week prior and purchased 12 chicks and they didn't have ducks at the time. So they are between 1 and 2 weeks old based upon that.

They are very chatty. They mumble/chatter a lot. Not very loud, but adorably noticeable. They are less scared of me and now let me reach into their area without total panic unless I'm holding something they aren't familiar with. So cute!

I'm leaning toward them being Cayugas, but I've never owned ducks before, so any help from more knowledgeable people is appreciated. Thank you!

Side note: I let Google Photos "fix lighting" which gave the red a strong pop in one of the photos. It actually did help showcase the more true colors of the ducklings. On my screen it's very true to life.



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Those are beautiful little Khaki Campbell’s. They can have a small amount of white underneath their chins or on their necks. It is mentioned in Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks. It is considered a fault if they are shown but I think it gives that one character! I had Khaki duckling hatch with a white crescent on her chest. She hatchted during the Eclipse, a couple of years ago, so we named her Luna 😃.
WhenI started with ducks I had ten ducklings Khaki Campbells . Some of them had little bits of white on their head or their neck . I agree yours are khaki Campbell. And very very cute.!!
Thank you! Since they are KC I'm surprised that they are so calm around me now. I've always heard that KC are so neurotic and scared of everything. I have hope they can continue to be more docile and not afraid of me as I change their brooder setup and/or location again.

I went to look at that big plastic tub I have in the shed and I realize it's probably not much bigger than that dog crate. I think I'll bring it into my home and see how it compares to the crate. I may have to take them into mom's house to use her guest bathtub as the brooder. :p We're in the process of building a coop for the chickens, but we don't want to put the ducks with the chickens just yet because ducks are so much more wet. The chickens still have a month or more before they can go into the coop.

Where I live it's over 100 degrees right now. I don't know when it'll be safe for chickens to be outside full-time. I presume they need to be fully feathered and have plenty of shade and access to water. Ducks? I have no idea.

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