Catching a trap smart coon :/


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
For the past week this varmint has gotten the better of me, I need some help :(
The only thing I've lost as of now is some chicken feed, but I have to pay for that stuff and I don't want to be feeding the local wildlife. Anyway, after setting my trap for the past week or so, and getting nothing but frustrated, I declared all out war last night. I staked the entire trap down (have-a-heart), which was a feat in itself since we live in what is basically a riverbed. LOTS of rocks. When I pulled and pulled and couldn't budge the trap, I was pretty pleased with myself. I thought for sure I'd have the little so-and-so this morning. Nope. Trap was set off, bait was gone and the door on my trap was a wee bit mangled. It pushed its way back under the door, and bent the metal "arch" that snaps back up to keep the door closed. I'm not sure what to call that, so hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.
I've bent that piece of metal back into place, but now I'm at a loss. This thing has obviously been caught before, and I'm not happy that someone has "relocated" it to my back yard. I'm at a COMPLETE loss as to what to do now. I've completely secured my run so it doesn't have access anymore and I'm bringing all feed in at night. Even what's inside the coop. My neighbor has lost several birds and as of this morning, her cat is also missing. Can anyone offer some ideas that might help me nab this bandit. I'm seriously at the end of my rope here :barnie
Well, if u have time I would try staking out at night and try to kill them. The same thing happened to me the other day, it started with the feed and it ended up with the loss of my Sebright and 2 silkies. If u can't sit out the night, I would try some poison put out when u shut ur chickens up.
I've been considering baiting its next peanut butter sandwich with some poison, but I'm worried he'll get out before he dies from it. I don't want to poison any other wildlife or other folks pets. Is there a poison that kills them quickly? I don't know much about that.
I can't stay up late and wait for it, unfortunately. I have small children in school, and o have to get up around 6 am to get them ready for the bus. I need my sleep ;)

I know this guy made it all the way into the trap. He literally removed all of the grass from inside and in front of the door while he was clawing his way out. I also can't buy another trap at this point, as I've just bought the stupid have-a-heart that it busted out pf last night :barnie
Any opinions on poisoning it? Which poison will kill it before it makes its way out of the trap? I hate yo poison anything, but this one is testing my patience. It hasn't had any issues throwing cinder blocks around my run, so I'm worried its just a matter of time before it finds a way to get into my coop!
we are having the same problem.....but we lost 2 RIRs a baby silkie and 4 young guineas over a period of 1 week. we have set the trap several times - but the coon gets out. hubby has set outside 2 nights with the rifle, but the coon knows to stay away. our chickens are in a wooden house - that is surrounded by chicken fence and covered with netting. the coon tore thru the chicken fence into the chicken yard.

our next step is poison. :(
You really won't have much success even if you do catch it, they are very intelligent and will find its way back unless you take it far away. I would recommend shooting it, because if one raccoon discovers a way into your coop, you will deeply regret not killing it. They usually don't eat most of the chicken. In most cases, if one gets in, it will kill your whole flock, leaving their carcasses laying on the ground. Make sure your coop is bullet-proof to keep the critters out. My verdict would be to shoot any of them you see on your property, it's completely legal.

Not only is poison un-ethical and illegal it is a good way to poison pets and livestock accidentally. Try some of these. They will come in about two days. Bait with marshmallows and you can leave them where your poultry run.Most effective 'coon trap out there, unfortunately for the 'coon very hard to release them. Releasing raccoon however is a good way to spread diseases and give a problem to someone else. Not to mention the main reason for cage-shy raccoon.
Releasing a raccoon anything short of thirty miles away will result in a raccoon beating you home that is guaranteed never to enter a cage again.
Use the dog proof trap bait it with marshmallow you can release them if you have the guts to get that close to a not so happy coon I would shoot it or club it.

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