Chicken pulls head to chest

I think we oldtimers still call low dose aspirin "baby aspirin" even though aspirin has not been recommended for use in children under 15 for about 30 years because of Reyes Syndrome in the 70's and 80's. One low dose aspirin equals a 1/4 of an adult aspirin.
tee hee. Yea then I have the kiddo that is allergic to both tylenol & ibuprofin and HAS to have aspirin and of course cannot have it at school because of the Reyes thing. Not even with a doctors note and me supplying it.

I have been very successful in cureing three severe cases of wry neck in my own flock and I would like to share with you what I have done. First off please know wry neck can be completely cured but it will take about a month so you must have patients. I followed Alan Stanford's treatment for wry neck to a tee. You will find dosing information by going to browneggblueegg. Com and in the table of contents look up crook neck. I swear by this treatment as it completely cured three of my silkies. The treatment basically consists of vitamin E and vitamin B and a small amount of selenium and liquid children's vitamin polyvisol without iron and prednisone. I was fortunate to have the prednisone for my breathing but if you can't find it you might be able to acquire some by speaking with dr brown personally from first state vet online. I followed the regiment from Alan Stanford of brown egg blue egg and all three of my severe cases were completely cured. During the treatment you might need to help feed and water your bird depending on the severity of their case. Please try this treatment because it works!! In about a month your birds will be back to normal Please go to the web site brown egg blue egg. Com and look under crook neck you will find all the dosing information you need. I really hope this helps and wish you the best. I've had great success with this treatment and my silkies.
that is very encouraging news. I have read over the link and am giving vitamins & aspirin. I might have a friend with prednisone, I'll have to ask around. In the meantime she is trying to eat and acts hungry but can only manage if I have it in a spoon or real shallow bowl and put it under her beak. But that is encouraging progress for the first day.

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