chickens feet are turning white


Feb 2, 2015
hello I am a new chicken hobbist.I have 6 white leghorns and 2 orpingtons 2amarucanas and 4 rhode island reds well all my leg horns and orpingtons legs turned white over night but the other are fine.and they are eating and walking well what does this mean
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Could be a couple things...first, are you in a climate with a cold winter? Frost bite can turn legs, feet and combs white as the frost bite is kicking in. Second, if this isn't frost bite, white or pale legs can be the sign of a good layer. Hens that lay well are drawing out calcium and nutrients from their scales and bones. So it is very common for your good layers to have pale legs. Many people use this to determine who needs to be culled. Good colored legs would mean the birds aren't laying well and they get eaten.

If this is frost bite, you will know it because the legs will be very warm and could be swollen. You would need to put more ventilation in your coop eaves to let the moist air out of the coop, (about 1 square foot per bird of vent space) and lower the roost bar closer to the floor.

If this is from being a good layer, just make sure your birds have access to lots of oystershell all the time and keep them on a good healthy diet and there is nothing to worry about.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

TwoCrows has given you some good advice. An Orpington's normal color of skin is white, so white legs may not be unusual. If you're not sure, just post a photo. We'll be happy to help in any way we can.
I'm glad you joined us!

X2 on Two Crows and Wyandottes7.

Good luck with your chickens! Hopefully, there isn't anything wrong.

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