Crested ducks????

happy duck

Crazy duck mom
Mar 24, 2018
Small town
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys!!!! I have read about crested ducks and fell in love with them at first sight.:love I was just wandering if they come in all breeds or if there is a certain breed just for crested ducks? I know Metzer farms sells them and they are in there own breed category. So if you have answers that would be cool... pics would be fun too. I just want to see some pics of crested ducks!!!!:ya:ya:ya
Cresting is dominant, so it has been bred into a lot of breeds.

Have you read about what causes the crest? That it's a gap in the skull? That means that they are extremely prone to brain damage - even something as simple as mating can cause a crested female to become brain damaged. And, they're also highly prone to neurological issues, such as not being able to walk, etc. And it also causes seizures.

On top of that, it's a lethal gene - any duckling that gets two copies dies in the shell. Often the ducklings also develop in the egg with their brains growing outside their skulls due to the gap, and then die after hatching or right before hatching.

So while it's cute, it's a pretty nasty mutation.
I breed a small flock of crested calls
crested call.jpg
And a small flock of crested ancona ducks
crested ancona.jpg

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