Dark brahma Male or Females?


7 Years
Jul 14, 2012
I hatched some dark brahma chicks they are now two weeks old and growing at an amazing rate I have looked at all the posts and even though it is they are only two weeks old I think I have hatched two girls and 1 boy but not to sure will post some pictures below?
You'll have to wait until they feather. The boys will have black feathers and the females will be penciled like the color of their wings. So far they look female, but I've never seen a 2 week male.

Good luck.

here are some pictures of one of my Dark Brahma bantam hens. this is what the female color looks like. the male is a differnt color than the females. he will have a lot more white on, and around his head, and neck. also the males have black feet, and shank feathers. sorry i don't have a picture of the males
BTW they all look female to me. they all have that penciling on there wings. males don't have any of that. i could be wrong though so don't get you're hopes up
Thanks for your posts they are so adorable and cant believe how friendly they are already, I will keep on updating the pictures every few days so there is a good record of dark brahmas development.
They are a very nice breed. My dark brahma is very talkative! She has something to say all day. My light Brahma is very quiet. She is extra friendly.

Here's Cookie my DB at 7-8 months old.

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