Day ten, young hen still not laying


10 Years
Oct 11, 2013
Hi All,

It is day ten and my EE, who started laying eggs on 2/11, is on day ten without laying. I really am getting concerned. We have plenty of sunlight, she’s not molting, and seems happy and healthy. She’s eating, and drinking, and pooping. But ten days without laying an egg after she laid for 4 weeks, and she’s only a little older than 6 months, doesn’t seem normal to me. Has anyone has had anything like this happen (and, yes, I’ve scoured the run and coop, no sign of eggs). Btw, I have a camera in the coop so I see her go into the nesting box sometimes, hang out for about 10, 15 minutes but nothing in there after she leaves. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I had no idea! Thanks. Learned something new
I'm dealing with it right now (with older hens, not new layers) - one hen came back into lay about maybe 6 weeks ago, laid maybe 12 eggs, and then stopped completely. No one else has come back into lay until 2 days ago. Frustrating, since I've long since run out of saved up eggs!
Ultimately I’m fine with her not laying (although she lay these cute blue green eggs) since I wanted chickens because I wanted pet chickens, but really just worried that there may be something wrong with her. I keep feeling her body and checking out her butt, which she does not like at all, but she’s still acting ok. I’m just a new chicken mommy and am really worried.
but she’s still acting ok.
If she's eating and drinking fine, and otherwise active and acting as she normally would, I wouldn't worry about it. Not unusual for young layers to be a little glitchy, but would be unusual for a young bird to suddenly develop reproductive issues, especially without showing signs of discomfort.
If she's eating and drinking fine, and otherwise active and acting as she normally would, I wouldn't worry about it. Not unusual for young layers to be a little glitchy, but would be unusual for a young bird to suddenly develop reproductive issues, especially without showing signs of discomfort.
Thank you for taking the time to give me some advice, I will try to calm down about it. I suspect if this is still going on in another ten days I’ll have another panic attack 😂

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