Diatomaceous Earth and baby chics....PLEASE HELP

I have been reading several of the posts on DE on here and all are mostly positive...until I get to one that states not to use on chicks under 6 weeks of age...HELP! I have chicks in the basement....planning on moving to one section of our henhouse that is being used now....and have fed those hens DE in their feed!! We are cleaning it out tomorrow in preparation for the new chicks to move in after a few days...but now I'm really concerned about putting them in there. Does anyone have any experience with this situation or suggestions? Would hosing down the house help remove enough DE to make it safe for our new chicks?? Thank you for taking time to help me!
DE is mostly bad news when inhaled (people too so be careful) it's a ground up diatom, little hard shelled sea creature. the shells cut like glass which is why it works so well on little bugs, but also cause bad respiratory issues as well as eyes. if you don't have it all over the place the chicks should be alright otherwise get out your shop vac
Thank you oopoo!! I didn't sleep much last night worrying about the little ones and putting them in that house. I am going to quit DE, I didn't have any problems with my hens until I started using it and now have had 2 heart attacks, 1 that retained fluid, did the penguin walk and was gone, another one that is starting to walk that way and is lethargic. Not sure it is related to DE, but just the same....the stuff blows everywhere!! The smell and flies being gone are nice, but I'm not sure its worth it!! Appreciate you taking the time to talk with me.....reloaded my incubator last night and going to try for another hatch!! Thanks again......
I hadn't heard about DE being that dangerous for young chicks...I just used it around newly hatched chicks and so far no problems. I have a Broody Silkie who hatched out 7 chicks, and while I was trying to get pics of them, I noticed Feather Lice on my poor hen. I didn't want to use any harsh chemicals like Sevin around brand new hatchlings, so I sprinkled DE on the hen and in the shavings. No problems with the chicks or the mama. When the babies are a little older, I'll use Poultry Dust on her, I just hope the DE helps in the meantime.
I use Food grade DE on my poultry, i have not used it on the younger ones yet, but have dusted all coops and all birds outside even my whole yard almost, the youngest that i put DE on is 4 months old. i just threw the dust in there pens and sprikle on top of them so they fluff and the dust egts into there feathers, and i find the spots where they dust bath in the dirt and i put whole of DE in that spot so they dust in it, so far i have had any promblems with those ones.
Thank you, thank you!! TXmom I hope all goes well for you and the little ones..they are wonderful!! Just got my coop cleaned out and getting ready to set it up for the chicks. The thread about using DE with newly hatched chicks and the dangers was on one of the "managing your flock" threads on here about DE...I will try and find it so you can look it over. Gonna let my coop air out for a couple days before we put our newbies down there. It turned chilly here again in the Ozarks, so they will be basement babies for a little longer. Thanks again!

Shay 20- thank you for the support also, I am still totally undecided about the DE, but for now am going to stop....I need to do a little more research and read more about those using it...so I do appreciate your taking the time to comment. I loved not having the odor and flies and the increased egg production...will keep you all updated on what happens. Appreciate all of you so much!!

Don't know how to put up the smiley faces yet....but here are lots
Is this DE used only in the hens' *feed*? Surely you are not putting so much in there as to make the whole coop dusty with it. And if you aren't, if it's just a dusting in their feed, I cannot see that it would affect chicks in an adjacent pen in any meaningful way, and I would not personally worry about it.

Good luck, have fun,

Pat....I only mix it in their feed...it does boil up a bit when I put it in the feeders....but I don't "dust" my henhouse or nest boxes with it, just mixed in their feed. Thank you for your comment, I am starting to feel better about putting them in a house where I had housed older hens. We cleaned it out this morning, swept it and then used the shop vac (thanks oopoo!) and it looks really good. As soon as it warms in a day or so, they are moving!! Can't wait to see them have more room!

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We have raised several chicks from the day of hatching with food grade DE and they have all grown up to be fine. It is awesome for fly and odor control.

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