Distance from Red Heat Lamp to Chics?

Unless you are getting a lot of chicks or have a large brooder the big 250 watt bulb may be overkill.
Anyway, the chicks themselves will tell you if they are comfortable or not. It's difficult to accurately measure the level of warmth experienced by the birds when using a radiant heat source (the bulb) so it works better to watch the chicks. This is what you are looking for.

I not only agree with this but give it an A+ it show's exactly what i was talking about were was this thing when i was getting started lol :p
I have kept the 250 watt bulb, since I could not find a 100 watt yet. Still looking locally in this small town. In the meantime I use a timer. Tried 8pm-8am steady and also alternating every hour on/off. Birds are doing great. You are right, they find their own comfort zone.

Thanks for all your advise.
Thank you for the visual. I just brought home 12 Marans and I'm worried that I will get them too hot or cold. I'll probably be up all night checking on them since this is my first time raising chicks.

Quote: Just as this diagram shows the chicks will find their comfort zone. I have brooder boxes for their first day after the chicks hatch then they go into the brooder cabinet. I bought the cabinet with the shelves and converted it into a brooder. I use 100 watt incandescent bulbs in the cabinet. In the brooder boxes I use 15 watt bulbs. I do put the lids partially covering the top with a temperature probe inside and open or close the lid some until the temperature is correct around 90ºF to 95ºF. Good luck and have fun...

Hi! First Posting!

We are buying one week old reds tomorrow. It is about 75 during day and 55 at night. How far should we place a 250 red heat lamp from the chics to start? Thanks for your help.
what ever distance it takes to maintain a temp of 95* on the floor of your brooder then drop the temp 5* per week till ambient
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My chicks go out to the chick coop at 3 weeks of age. I do have heat lamps out there that I turn on at night. In warmer weather I have put 3 day old chicks out in the brooder coop.

I'm using a 20 gallon fish tank. Is the 250 bulb going to be too much?

The tank is long but only 18" wide.

Getting them tomorrow. I have three week olds in a big puppy playpen but was told to keep then apart and can't get another Brinsea heat plate by then and it's costly to run two brooders. Second set was delayed.

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