Do Not Change the Litter...


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 23, 2013
I just purchased a 50 lb. bag of Purina Start and Grow Sunfresh Medicated Crumbles for six day old chicks we are picking up in a couple of days.

There is a statement on the white tag sewn onto the bottom of the bag under the Heading CAUTION, it reads- "Do not change the litter while giving this feed unless absolutely necessary."

Do you have any idea why it suggests we should not change the litter unless absolutely necessary?

Under the heading DIRECTIONS it reads "Feed continuously as the sole ration to chick and replacement pullets from hatch to onset of egg production (18-20 weeks)."
Poppycock. I change litter when it's dirty. These chicks I assume you'll be brooding indoors and will want to keep the litter clean too.

Medicated feeds are used to 8-10 weeks. You can use starter grower up to laying age but medicated feed is only used for two months.
Okay, I found out that the FDA directs this statement to be put on medicated feeds.

The reasoning behind it is that the medicine, Amprolium, will cycle through the chicks and into the litter. It will end up in the litter through the chicks feces and if remained in the litter will continue to control coccidiosis.

Who in the world would want to keep their brooder stinky and dirty with feces everywhere??

Coccidiosis can also be controlled by keeping the litter clean and dry.... seems like the better approach.

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